18th & 19th Century Württemberg Uniform Plates by Leo Ignaz von Stadlinger

Started by Druzhina, 10 February 2013, 05:57:47 AM

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18th & 19th Century Württemberg Uniform Plates by Leo Ignaz von Stadlinger

Plate 1: Generals  1638-1806 & large image
Plate 2: Generals  1825-1851 & large image
Plate 3: General and aide, adjutant of the King  1806-1854 & large image
Plate 4: Quartermaster General Staff, Pioneer Company  1806-54 & large image
Plate 5: Military college  1714-1849 & large image
Plate 6: Honorary Invalid Corps, Landjäger  1817-49 & large image
Plate 7: Leibgarde Horse  1660-1776 & large image
Plate 8: Leibgarde Horse  1776-1817 & large image
Plate 9: Leibgarde Horse  1821-1854 & large image
Plate 10: Guard Light Cavalry Sqn  1759-1815 & large image
Plate 11: Guard Light Cavalry Sqn  1817-1854 & large image
Plate 12: Foot Artillery  1735-1811 & large image
Plate 13: Foot Artillery  1813-1849 & large image
Plate 14: Horse Artillery  1784-1813 & large image
Plate 15: Horse Artillery  1813-1849 & large image
Plate 16: 1st Cavalry Regiment  1663-1775 & large image
Plate 17: 1st Cavalry Regiment  1792-1820 & large image
Plate 18: 2nd Cavalry Regiment  1805-1820 & large image
Plate 19: 3rd Cavalry Regiment  1809-1820 & large image
Plate 20: 4th Cavalry Regiment  1805-1820 & large image
Plate 21: Several regiments of cavalry.  NCOs, trumpeters & standard bearers  1821-1852 & large image
Plate 22: 1st Infantry Regiment  1638-1767 & large image
Plate 23: 1st Infantry Regiment  1792-1817 & large image
Plate 24: 2nd Infantry Regiment  1792-1817 & large image
Plate 25: 3rd Infantry Regiment  1716-1788 & large image
Plate 26: 3rd Infantry Regiment  1794-1817 & large image
Plate 27: 4th Infantry Regiment  1806-1817 & large image
Plate 28: Jager Btn, 5th Infantry Regiment  1799-1817 & large image
Plate 29: 6th Infantry Regiment  1803-1817 & large image
Plate 30: 7th Infantry Regiment, Disciplinary Compagnie  1760-1821 & large image
Plate 31: 8th Infantry Regiment  1745-1817 & large image
Plate 32: Several infantry regiments. NCOs, drummer & standard bearer.  1821-1851 & large image
Plate 33: Cavalry regiments and corps. [37] Bouwinghausen Hussar Regiment, [28] Phull Dragoons, [33] Noble Guard, [35] Jäger-Regiment No. 5  1758-1813 & large image
Plate 34: Infantry regiments. [37] Foot Guards in 1687, [57] Seckendorff Regiment [58] Stockmayer Infantry Regiment  1687-1814 & large image
Plate 35: Infantry regiments. [46] and [52] Regiment Prince Louis, [56] Kapregiment, [36] Foot Guards  1752-1814 & large image
Plate 36: Grenadier battalions. [51], [53], [60b] and [60d] in Silesia 1757, [60e] and [60g] Leib or household grenadier battalions  1757-1761 & large image

18th & 19th Century Württemberg Uniform Plates by Leo Ignaz von Stadlinger

Illustrations of Soldiers


I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


I think D can find just about anything Will....
He's a star !!
Cheers - Phil.


11 February 2013, 02:10:37 AM #6 Last Edit: 11 February 2013, 02:54:37 AM by Druzhina
Quote from: FierceKitty on 10 February 2013, 06:22:00 AM
Very modern for you, Sir.

I have a 25mm French/Wurtemberg 1812 Army.

Quote from: mad lemmey on 10 February 2013, 07:15:03 PM
Nice one, could you add 1870 to these too?

You probably have the Knötel Plate
Here are some from Deutsche Uniformen by von Herbert Knötel d. J. und Martin Lezius:
Württemberg. Generalität und Infanterie
Württemberg. Jäger, Kavallerie und Artillerie

Illustrations of Soldiers

Duke Speedy of Leighton

I do!  ;D  Only because I painted the Wurttenberg division last year.  ;)
I thought everyone else would like them under one banner sir!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner