Russian around

Started by chrishanley, 04 February 2013, 05:08:17 PM

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I am building a small and not so perfectly formed Russian Army from 1914 – 15 and started it off with the obligatory Russian Army Pack.  Now I am  looking to increase the numbers slightly but I wanted to have a few more poses for the infantry.  RP1 has two very good figures but I would really like some more variation.
So, looking around for possible stand-ins,  how viable, after a suitable paint job, are the following for early WWI Russian infantry?

RJ1 Russian Foot (from the Russo-Japanese war)
S1 Serbian Infantry in cap
AH1 Austro-Hungarian Infantry in cap
Or even BP1 British Infantry in cap

Any other possibles welcome...

yours etc, Chris


Chris ,

A good stand in for 1914 Russian inf is RT2 Russian foot, furashka from the Russo Turkish range, this figure is adv with fixed bayonet and cap with rolled greatcoat

As a matter of interest RT8 Turkish line, zouave style paints up well as early East Africa WW1 Belgium Force Publique.



The furashka is the peaked cap that became standard issue in many armies - so yes, Russo-Turkish should be OK. Likewise the Russo-Japanese - provided they are wearing the cap and not the forage cap. Serbian and Austro-Hungarian - no, they never wore the flat-cap. The British are probably too distinctive to pass as Russians.   
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Hertsblue ,

The ww1 British in greatcoat and cap are just passable if you file the cap edges round a bit .
Make the cap look a bit softer round the edge.
