What happened to the 'Unread posts since last vist link?

Started by Ferb, 02 February 2013, 07:55:25 PM

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What's happened to the links that used to appear at the top of the forum like the the 'Unread posts since last vist' link and personal messages.



02 February 2013, 08:05:35 PM #1 Last Edit: 02 February 2013, 08:18:24 PM by Megamatman
Everything seems fine here.  Please could you try a refresh? Hit 'F5' on your Keyboard.

I moved the entire forum to a different server overnight, so your browser has probably cached some old content.

If the above doesn't work, please could you elaborate further?


F5 didn't fix it. Neither did closing IE and deleting temporary files etc. It's also the same in Chrome.



2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!

Steve J

Fine for me but then last night I couldn't access the forum at all. The weird message that came up I've passed on to Leon. An hour or so later and it was all fine.





Quote from: Ferb on 03 February 2013, 01:12:16 PM
Still broken for me on all browsers.

I'm going to need more info to have any chance of troubleshooting.

Albie Bach

Left of the [HOME] [HELP] etc buttons is a small button with an arrowhead which opens and closes the header. It should be pointing upwards. If not, click on it.
Cheers, Colin
Sadly no longer with us - RIP (2018)

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: Albie Bach on 03 February 2013, 01:42:54 PM
Left of the [HOME] [HELP] etc buttons is a small button with an arrowhead which opens and closes the header. It should be pointing upwards. If not, click on it.
Cheers, Colin

8) winner winner chicken dinner

Albie Bach

I thought it had to be a setting rather than a browser problem.  ;) :D
Sadly no longer with us - RIP (2018)


Quote from: Megamatman on 03 February 2013, 01:46:15 PM
8) winner winner chicken dinner

Good man - another '21' fan  :)

I've got my 6 yr-old trained to say this...at every available opportunity  ;D


QuoteLeft of the [HOME] [HELP] etc buttons is a small button with an arrowhead which opens and closes the header. It should be pointing upwards. If not, click on it.

That got me sorted thanks.
