The Fishmen Cometh

Started by Wulf, 23 November 2012, 07:44:08 PM

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Amongst others, I have found an old (quite likely a decade or so...) army pack of Pendraken Fishmen. They're big... Although clearly there's a lack of historical evidence for Fishmen, can anyone say whether these were designed to fit with the standard Pendraken 10mm scale, or instead 15mm?

It doesn't matter much, really, but I'd like to know.


Most of the Fantasy figures are a bit on the big size, say 12mm if the historicals are 10mm.

Once they are on the table you can't really tell.

Pendraken do have a few 15mm ranges, which may now be under the Minibits brand.
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There are, I think, 3 of the fantasy ranges marked as 15mm, but the Fishmen are not amongst them.


If the figures represent minnowmen, then they're 15mm. If, however, they are pikemen, for whom there is indeed rather more historical use, then the are 10mm.
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Apologies for missing this, the Fishmen are a little larger than the regular 10mm type Fantasy ranges, so would work quite happily in 15mm.

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