AWI - next push!!?

Started by Dazza, 16 December 2012, 08:05:27 PM

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Wonkey Donkeys

Might I suggest

Command in Roundabouts
GB artillery in southern dress
American artillery in shirt sleeves
Hesse-Cassel Jagers with Amusettes???


firing and advancing highlanders and pulaskis legion cavalry and infantry

Wonkey Donkeys

All quiet on the AWI front? Any new release planned before the end of the year?

goat major

Excellent question Mr Donkey.

We need answers. Answers sell.  8)
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Quote from: goat major on 19 August 2013, 06:37:30 PM
We need answers. Answers sell.  8)


Now buy something...  :D

Clib's working on the next batch of LoA cavalry as far as I know, so those would be the next items to come from him.  AWI-wise, I'm not sure, so I'll let Clib answer that when he sees this thread.

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Busy with LoA stuff at the minute, but I am tinkering with the greens of the released AWI cavalry to turn them into more cavalry types. Possibly sometime in the autumn, or maybe later, but hopefully before the end of he year.

goat major

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General Bt Sherman

I recommend dismounted Brunswick Dragoons. These are essential for the northern campaign.

Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


I agree. How about the Southern Indians> Indians like the Cherokee, semi-civilized with or without leggings? with British shell jackets?
How about the french?

Quote from: Dazza on 16 December 2012, 08:05:27 PM
Time to start a new Campaign :)

maybe  :

Queens Rangers Command

Legion Foot Infantry

Highlanders firing

Highlanders advancing  

Command for previous Dragoons.

would also like to see some speciality figures, like the washington one


Indians : Iroquois and Stockbridge