Three Fs and 40k

Started by Vulpine, 15 December 2012, 09:25:51 PM

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Quote from: Luddite on 18 December 2012, 09:59:28 AM
Personally i think GW's peripheral ('Specialist') games are generally superior to their core rules.  Its such a shame they don't support the Specialist games. 
Sure for most of them the figure sales volumns would be low but for some they could crank things up a bit.  Legends of the Old West massed battle rules for example show how 40k (or even WFB) could be run with a decent set of rules - if only they'd embrace the fact thet 40k is a large skirmish (tactical scale) game, rather than pretending its some sort of company-scale thing.
Either that or head off into supporting their historical rules (WAB, WMA, etc.) with figures.  They won't do this of course as they'd have to compete with proper figures supply companies like Pendraken.   :D

It's probably down to maximizing profits L.

I'm sure they'd turn in profits on the things you've mentioned above.....Simply not to the scale of the core games, which is why they've got pushed aside.
'Shame really. :'(
Cheers - Phil


Quote from: Luddite on 18 December 2012, 09:59:28 AM

I liked BFG, although i agree the rules were a bit of a mess.  

Come on Lud, it was a TOTAL mess. Board FULL of card blast markers, Torpedo markers, Fighter, bomber and Assullt boat counters, order dice, also it was unbalanced in all areas (for example the massive kill all battleships) or the stupidly cheap and unfair escorts and lets chat about the Eldar, what a mess they made, just so dirty indeed. Then the Necrons came along!...

I love the idia of it all, it's fab, the models are simple and look cool but the rules ruined it.
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: Vulpine on 15 December 2012, 09:25:51 PM
I know what your thinking... 3 Fs.... There all rude words? They ain't. Also, this is not a rant its a review and I will, endeavour to keep it factual and not include any guy with the initials M.W. in this review... Ill try!

So what are the 3 Fs, there the bases and rules that I use to wright game systems.

1) Fit- Dose the system fit with how you imagin? If a two units fire at each other, is the aftermath as you imagine? Or do the troops move as you would imagin? It's not based on facts, just what you see as correct given the fiction you are playing and the boundarys of the world your playing in?

2) Fun- Within the system do you enjoy it? Does the game drag, does it have to much detail, or not enough? Is it a mess of counters on the board or too many dice roles?

3) Fair- is the system fair? For both sides?

1. No
2. No
3. No

Reason for the absence of any of the Fs is the moneymaking gone wrong approach by GW. See new Hobbit release, refer to the "Ubercodex of the month" and the majority of players being powergamers these days or immature 12 year old (at least in mind). Gentlemen prefer other games and treat fellow gamers more humane.


Indeed! As I said "models should sell rules, not rules sell models"
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Not only that Vulpine.

GW could get their Business Model and Strategy easily set (for free) if they listened to players more instead of having lawyers send them letters to remove pictures from Blogs, websites ec.

Setting your Business models to rip off 300 quid from an ever declining group of people (12-14 year olds) in the first place is stupid to say the least.  Even more if said group prefers videogames and other hobbies that involve less time consumption.

In the long run they will need to re-establish that or go under (yes yes I am such a hater - yet my predictions tend to come true!).

Secondly the signs of time show me they are at their wits end.
Evidence : Sueing mindlessly anyone and anywhere, upwards spiral in "arms race" (newer, harder, more), downturn in quality, salary level, treatment of staff...

If someone invites me to join THE REVOLUTION in Gaming only to present new colours (ok, fair enough the Ceramite White is ace) then I must question the sanity of such person. Even more the sanity of his superiors that order them saying such crap.

A gaming company can be run with sales in mind, yet the mindless race for shareholder value will come to a point where "more" cannot be achieved. Face it, the world and its resources are not endless. So there is a natural maturity of every market. Call me a philosopher but the next years in Gaming will see GW loose more sales and after a period of a few years Gaming will see other players with significant market share. GW may still be the market leader but at a totally different level. Other palyers will establish themselves (Mantic, PP, Battlefront - to name the biggest) and smaller companies like Pendraken will cater a wide range of needs.

Pendraken does so even now. 10mm is as of now still a niche. But with the current financial situation and costs of production we will see new scales for mass-gaming. 10mm and 6mm will be the new "28mm heroic". Skirmishes will be played from 28, over 15 to 10mms. As much as we all like "one stop shopping" I would question the feasability of it. Just imagine how many Paint and Brush Ranges there are and to fill all those needs and preferences.....

I am known to criticize GW a lot, because I care about wargaming and I cared about GW. Like it or not but they affect the market and currently I would  say in a very negative way.


Quote from: Vulpine on 18 December 2012, 10:37:29 PM
Indeed! As I said "models should sell rules, not rules sell models"

If models are selling rules, I'll buy mine from this one:



I prefer HER over the models. Not sure if the Missus would agree on any of the two Nik  :P


Quote from: sebigboss79 on 20 December 2012, 10:59:27 AM
I prefer HER over the models. Not sure if the Missus would agree on any of the two Nik  :P

Well, if she would disagree on both, just pick wathever you want, she's gonna be mad anyway  ;D



How you know? Married, too?