Casualty Markers

Started by Si Tyler, 09 December 2012, 02:13:10 PM

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Si Tyler

Can anyone indicate which out of these below would me most suitable for WW1 French, German, British and Russian casualty markers please.  * by a code means I think probably unsuited purpely from the range they are in.

*AU22   Dead Markers (10)
FPX2   Dead markers, bare headed (10)...
FPW36   Dead markers (10)...
PPW27   Dead markers (10)...
*RM16   Dead markers (10)...
GR114   Dead markers...
*AWX1   Generic dead and wounded (24)...
SV28   Dead markers...
*MC14   Casualty...
*JP23   Casualty marker...
SV33   Wounded with female first aiders...

Dedicated figures I found were
WW4   Casualty on stretcher with medic (5)...

In order of Preference I could do with:
French (Late War)

Duke Speedy of Leighton

The French would work for early war- as would the Prussians, the AWX are very definitely in eighteenth century uniforms...
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Is GR114 from the WWII range? If so he is in a great coat and steel helmet - so may do for post 1916. His gun does seem to be an MG42, but it is lying on the ground next to him, so could be easily removed.

I agree that AWX are too early.
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