ACW - The Wrong Side of the Tracks...

Started by nikharwood, 01 December 2012, 05:01:00 PM

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Another Wednesday night battle in Minehead - this time it's ACW using ACWarmaster: Mark's taken the Confederates and is defending the crossroads in the town and the railroad station; Paul's Union forces are attacking frontally and have to secure both objectives for the win...

Again - I was umpiring this so didn't take notes - so more pics, less words  :)

The Rebel lines:

Union attackers:

The railroad station - with Paul's new toy:

Johnny Reb defending the town:

The Union centre advances:

Through the cornfields and it starts to get bloody:

Ebbing and flowing battle - but Paul's left flank has stalled and his forces are isolated:

Johnny Reb then moves out of town to bolster the centre:

And in a last, desperate charge, the Union cavalry gallop into the vacated town and dismount, securing it:

The railroad station remains in Rebel hands though - so a hard-fought, honourable draw!

Steve J

The game looked good and thanks for the pics :).

Albie Bach

Nice looking game. The buildings look great & I like Paul's new toy, but it needs dirtying up a bit.   :)
Looks like the rules give a good game. Although I'm a fan of Fire & Fury I might give those rules a try.
Sadly no longer with us - RIP (2018)


Looks like that was enormous fun !
Cheers - Phil.

General Bt Sherman

Great looking game! Where did you get the train? I need one.
Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


Paul Davies

02 December 2012, 08:21:26 PM #6 Last Edit: 02 December 2012, 08:29:33 PM by Paul Davies
Hi Albie,

I'm going to 'dirty up' The General, but am waiting until I've got some more rolling stock so I can do the 'weathering' for all of them at the same time. Also got a few scratchbuilding projects to do as its quite difficult to find suitable wagons and carriages at a sensible price. There's a lot of items around but they are in the States and postage is a bit on the high side,

Hi General BTSherman,

The locomotive is from the Del Prado partwork, I think it was called 'Great Locomotives of the World' or something similar. Thankfully the models were all N-gauge which, at around 1:160th makes them a good fit with 10mm.

Got a few ideas to make something a bit special as far as the railway element of our ACW games is concerned, but that's a while away yet.



If you haven't already done so, have a look around for a local model railway convention. There are even more of them around than our conventions. They tend to sell all sorts of second-hand railway kit, usually at very reasonable prices. Failing that, the local model railway club may be able to help you out. 
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.