sebigboss79 makes terrain

Started by sebigboss79, 01 December 2012, 12:03:34 PM

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Hola fellow gamers.

With terrain prices beyond all sanity in the larger scales I wanted to build my own stuff for quite a while. Methinks 10 - 28mms can be easily done, if it is smaller let the pros handle it ;) .
Shopping around a little I got myself some inspiration, 5mm foamboard, cutter and started to work. Design and idea tooka  great deal of time even before the first cut was made and with rather mediocre craftsman skills I am quite happy how it turned out so far.

I have built:

Small ruin
medium house
Landing pad
large ruin
communications bunker

Here are some pics. Remember they aint primed, painted, filled or sanded yet so be kind. Cheers


Looking good so far, especially the bunker. And you can tell that some thought went into these designs.  =D>

I'm sure they will look very good once finished.  8)
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.


Thanks, will certainly keep doing my best. Leon also supplied some paints I need so only my exams are hindering me atm. I am conident I can finish this month though.

As said before the design is of highest importance. First of all stability is really enhanced when parts are interlocking so accurate measuring and cutting is essential. The interior walls are then merely for distributing preussure among individual structures.
The next bunker will be playable inside. Pondering whether I should fuse it with a HQ building.

Inspiration can be found on the many terrain makers websites but considering their prices  :-\ not really. Another plus is that it is part of the hobby. Would like to see Nik and nosher showing off their skills, they surely are masters in the art.


Looking really good 'S'....
Keep us informed of progress, as you go along.
Cheers - Phil.


More pics now :D

Bunker has progressed some more and is being painted now. The large ruin has been treated with PVA almost everywhere and should be finished with that tomorrow at some point. Then spraying :D


Looks nice!!!

Don't you just love foamboard :p

I made myself some walls and towers that form a castle to play lord of the rings with it and it looks pretty neat. EAsy to work with and pretty durable!


If built right it can withstand a nuke from orbit (the only way to be sure ;) )

Any pics? Orthanc? Looking for something like that for a Dark Eldar Army.


Great progress  ;)

Flattered that you think my modest terrain skills are worthy of mention. I wouldn't dare take on a scratchbuild. :o

My stuff is generally using a mix and match of commercially available stuff and then pulling it all together vignette/timecast style.
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Hey Nosher

well I have seen your army list for Aliens and Colonial Marines and shamelessly downloaded it. I just assumed you and Nik co-produced the terrain there so....

But both of you are old regulars here so it sort of sticks I guess. What you describe can be more challenging than totally scratchbuilding. I must say it was not THAT difficult only the idea to cut the stuff so it "links" like a puzzle was not the worst I had this year.

Glad you guys like it. More to come, I keep you posted.


I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


He finds time OUTSIDE the Totty thread???  :o


Quote from: sebigboss79 on 22 December 2012, 10:50:35 PM
If built right it can withstand a nuke from orbit (the only way to be sure ;) )

Any pics? Orthanc? Looking for something like that for a Dark Eldar Army.

No just a generic medieval castle. I'll shoot some pics for you later on if you don't mind me hijacking this thread a little :p


It ain't hijacking if the hijacked encourages the hijacker :P

And I intend to copy any good ideas I may find anyways so :D. There was a dude on another forum who did a tower like Orthanc. All black with shiny purple or greenish if I could remember where....


I remember that, i think i saw that on dakka?

Well here are some of interest, i will take pics of mine later:

Hope you find something useful!


so...piccies :p

2 pics of the fortress, one with models to show scale, and one of the inside. I made it using foamboard, nailing the pieces togheter (with some glue added), and then covered it with filler and painted it to suit.