December Releases!

Started by Leon, 01 December 2012, 03:59:12 AM

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01 December 2012, 03:59:12 AM Last Edit: 03 December 2012, 05:10:35 PM by Leon
In our final batch of releases this year, we've got some of the most anticipated new releases in a long time, as the new AWI cavalry are now available!  These additions include the British Legion cavalry, along with the Light Dragoons in tarleton, and on the American side we've got the Dragoons in French helmets.  Maybe the requests will slow down a bit now... or at least until the Forum's Tarleton Brigade get the next target in their sights!  :-\   :D

The other half of this month's releases sees the first of the vehicles added to the Falkland's ranges, with the Scorpion, Scimitar and Panhard all now available!

Bringing up the rear (it was a heavy bit of kit, so that sounds about right!), is the Seabrook armoured car.  This was built on a truck chassis, and were brought into service in 1915, with a 3lb gun on the back, and mountings for Vickers-Maxim MG's in the corners.  There's more info on this one on the Landships site:  

So, here's the full list:

British -
AWB45 Light Dragoons in Tarleton                                Â£4.00
AWB46 British Legion cavalry                                      Â£4.00

American -
AWA25 Dragoons in French helmets                            Â£4.00

WW1 British -
BP42      Seabrook A/C                                            Â£4.25

Falkland's War
British -
FLB37    Scorpion                                                    Â£2.35
FLB38    Scimitar                                                     £2.35
FLB39    Land Rover with hard top                            Â£2.35
FLB40    Land Rover with soft top                             £2.35

Argentinian -
FLA15    Panhard AML90 A/C                                    Â£2.50

Hope you like them, and there's just about enough time to get them ordered for Xmas!

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Duke Speedy of Leighton

Armour, tarletons and Landies, an eclectic mix but you've got to love it!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

goat major

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Steve J

Great news on the cavalry as these will flesh out my AWI/Imaginations chaps very, very nicely 8).



01 December 2012, 09:55:46 AM #5 Last Edit: 01 December 2012, 10:08:14 AM by FierceKitty
Quote from: Phobos on 01 December 2012, 09:51:46 AM
No Spanish yet? :(
Or their enemies? :(
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: Leon on 01 December 2012, 03:59:12 AM
AWB45 Light Dragoons in Tarleton                                £4.00

Couldn't you add tuppence to the price for each time they've been requested? Thinking that if people wanted them that badly, they would be prepared to pay a bit more?  ;)

Though it could mean that for the Meso-Americans real astronomical prices would have to be paid.
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.


01 December 2012, 02:16:07 PM #7 Last Edit: 01 December 2012, 02:33:32 PM by Gran76
 Who's the mysterious 'Barrie' . Sheen perhaps? :-\


Surely most of the British legion are to old to be in the cavalry??? :o
I'd of thought they'd of been in the specialist motorised Wheelchair Brigade  ;D
love the new Falklands releases. :D


Sorry Leon
in the Falklands there was never any Armour v armour engagement?? everything I've read and everyone I've talked to points to there never being an Armoured engagement? :-\

General Bt Sherman

It’s great to see the AWI cavalry released. I wonder what the next big AWI push will be.
Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


Quote from: general_btsherman on 01 December 2012, 03:08:39 PM
It’s great to see the AWI cavalry released. I wonder what the next big AWI push will be.

Legion Foot Infantry & highlanders firing/advancing ??   :)

would also like to see some speciality figures, like the washington one :)

Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies :
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos :,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.


Any chance of a photo of the Seabrook?

Duke Speedy of Leighton

01 December 2012, 08:30:31 PM #13 Last Edit: 01 December 2012, 08:38:59 PM by mad lemmey
Quote from: Gran76 on 01 December 2012, 02:16:07 PM
Who's the mysterious 'Barrie' . Sheen perhaps? :-\

He's a falklands veteran and one of the owners of Timecast who helped Leon and Techno design the Falklands range. It was their thank you, based on a long chat with him where he said he wanted a figure he could paint as himself, so he got his request! He served with Brigade Intel.
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


A shot in the dark but is Barrie Corporal Barry Lovell of 81 Intelligence section?