WWII German questions

Started by isabee, 27 November 2012, 02:46:20 PM

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Hi guys,

Looking to fill out some of my Pendraken German forces and have a few questions.

GR78 Seated Infantry - How many infantry in a pack? 10? on strips?

GR92 Sdkfz 251 + Tilt Ambulance - C or D model? Is the canvas tilt a separate bit?

GR94 Sdkfz 251/10 - Again C or D model? If I remove the ATG will it pass as a 251/1 variant?

Thanks  :)

Albie Bach

GR78 Seated Infantry - I'm sure it's 10 per pack, but in pairs and singles.

for pics

GR94 Sdkfz 251/10 is Ausf.C

GR92 Ambulance Sorry - I don't know

Cheers, Colin
Sadly no longer with us - RIP (2018)


GR78 is 10 individual figures.  Both of the Sdkfz's are the C model.

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And yes if you remove the ATG 37mm from the 251/10 it will leave the basic 251/1, the 10 was usually supplied to armoured platoon commanders.