Solo Keep on the Borderlands campaign.

Started by BigDave, 22 June 2012, 06:29:28 PM

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Breeyark fellow adventurers,
The Kobolds... well beestmen really, ready for action.
It's taken me a while to get these guys ready.  Not least because I still haven't sourced some proper giant rats, that well known Kobold pet.  I will be investing in the rat lair dungeon pack in due course but for now the part of the rats is being taken by some sunflower seeds, good size and right shape when a tail is added.

Clearly the Pendraken Beestmen are goat faced guys, but at this scale I`ll live with it.  They are also a tad large, and will be filling in as Gnolls elsewhere in the Keep module.  I wish I could source some 10mm dog men.  They feature a single Pendraken pack each of swords, spears and bows.  I used three as command figures, the big boss on a penny, and the two lieutenants  on one cent Euros (the perfect coin for 10mm in my opinion!)

I left them as bland as possible, no bright shields, no light colours, and I may dip them just to get a darker look.  In places my acrylics are patchy on these, but I quite liked the effect. 
The Orcs, next out of the production line, are a very different painting prospect. 
I still have a lot of the caves to build, and the Keep itself is only just getting going.


Very nice Dave  8)

Good idea on the sunflower seeds too!



Really nice, and the sunflower seeds do look effective.  :)
