FPW - The French Win!!!!

Started by Shecky, 12 November 2012, 10:05:30 PM

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I ran a participation game of "To The Last Gaiter Button" at MillenniumCon this past weekend.

The battle featured three divisions of French against a like number of Prussians/Bavarians. The French kept most of their troops behind improved positions on a ridge line, anchored by a wooded hill.

In game terms, the game began around noon with two Prussian divisions and a cavalry division coming on board. The Prussians consolidated their forces before launching an attack preceded by a long range artillery bombardment by six artillery pieces.

The Prussians threw all of their weight against the center and left of the French line but in doing so left their own left flank open, initially defended by a cavalry division.  The French players were going to move their own cavalry to the behind safety of their own line awaiting the opportunity to launch an attack against a spent enemy.  However, they remained on the right flank to challenge the Prussian cavalry and were eventually supported by an oncoming French division.

By mid-afternoon the Prussians had yet to push the French off the ridge and decided to move their artillery batteries to a better position.  Both sides threw in what reserves they had to contest the ridge.

By evening the Bavarian division began to arrive to support the Prussian right flank. However, by this time the French had moved their cavalry in a position to turn the Prussian flank. 

The Bavarians surprisingly held against the flank attack but the attack did cause enough casualties for the Prussians to break morale.

At dusk, the Prussians launched their final assault on the French line and managed to take the center but the attack on the wooded hill cost them too much to support a breakthrough.

By nightfall, both sides were well spent but the French were in a stronger position on the Prussian left flank. As a result the Prussians pulled back, having lost morale and nearly 20,000 troops.

I was glad with the outcome of this game for a number of reasons. First, I introduced the rules to six new people who all enjoyed the game. They were engaged throughout the game as there was always decisions to be made. We managed to get a decision in 14 turns, running about 2 1/2 hours. Since TTLGB is a grid based game I wasn't sure how some gamers would receive them. However all players said the grid system was easy to comprehend and helped move along the game. I pointed out that with that many units on the table, having to measure for movement and firing would easily added another hour or so to the game.

The second reason I liked the outcome is that the French actually won! It showed that the French can actually win if they play things correctly and exploit opportunities as they occur.

For more pictures of the game go to:

Duke Speedy of Leighton

NICE REPORT! Good to see TTLGB used too.

Historically, the French did win some, but then had a nasty tendency to
a) Not consolidate on the win.
b) Withdraw off the field.
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Excellent - thanks for posting this; have just been reading TTLGB myself (not played it yet)  8)


Very enjoyable report ! 8)
Cheers - Phil.


My sort of game, Shecky. Loads of well-painted figures, an excellent scenario and a clear-cut result. Well done!  :-bd
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Well done!  Good to see TTLGB getting an outing, and providing pleasure.  A much underused set of rules.   Nice figures, too! 

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


Hi Shecky

Glad the game went well at MilleniumCon and that your players enjoyed the game decisions

Cavalry being decisive? Where is the futile gesture? If you can time it right then cavalry can still do their bit by working around a flank, but only if enemy reserves have been so sucked in that no flank guards are available

Stunning result and good looking game

