Persia Articles and Illustrations of Soldiers: 3rd to 19th Century

Started by Druzhina, 29 July 2012, 02:37:21 AM

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Persia Articles and Illustrations of Soldiers
Parthian Army by Professor A. Sh. Shahbazi
Parthian Mounted Standard Bearers of the Arsacid Period
Sasanian Army by Professor A. Sh. Shahbazi
9th-10th Century Persian Wall Painting
Daylami Tribesman by Ian Heath
Seljuk Turks of the 12th-13th century
Ilkhanid Mongols in the 1341 Inju Shahnama
Jalayrid Mongols
Timurid Soldiers
Turkmen Nomads from manuscript Hazine 2153
Turkmen Soldiers from manuscript Hazine 2152
Turkmen Soldiers from manuscript Hazine 2160
Battle Of Chaldiran 1514 by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed
Illustration of Timur Hunting, from a 1529 Zafarnama
Illustration of Khusraw hunting, from a 1534 Khamsa by Nizami
Illustrations of The Old Woman complaining to Sultan Sanjar and Maijnun and an Old Woman Approach the Tent of Laila, from a 1539-43 Khamsa by Nizami.
and Maijnun and an Old Woman Approach the Tent of Laila, from a 1539-43 Khamsa by Nizami.
Battle of Nowfal with the Tribe of Layla, from a 1541 Khamsa by Nizam.
Illustration from a 16th Century Rawzat al-Safa of Mirkhvand: Timur receives envoys during his attack on Balkh in 1370
Illustration of the Battle in the war between Shah Isma'il and the King of Shirvan (painted 1541).
Shah Anushirvan Captures the Fortress of Saqila, from a mid-16th century Shahnama
Gurdafarid Rides in Front of the Walls of the White Castle, from a 1560 Shahnama
A Battle Scene from the Tarikh-i jahanara
Safavid Empire 1502 - 1736 by Shapour Ghasemi & Soldier Pictures
Illustration from a 1567 Shahnama
8 folios from a Shahnama at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek - Ms Pers 10, 3rd quarter of the 16th century
. Faridun with Jamshid's daughters
. Faridun tests his sons
. The murder of Iraj
. Faridun replies to the 2nd message of Salm and Tur
. Manuchihr fights Kakuy, grandson of Zahhak
. Manuchihr kills Salm
. Sam asks the Simurgh to return Zal
. Prince Zal is presented to Manuchihr
The 8 paintings of the History of Nigaristan by Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ghaffari, 1569
. Munzir ibn Mughi-rah of Damascus being received by the vizier Fazl Barmaki
. The daughter of Seljuk Sultan Maliksha-h, mounted on a camel, meeting her bridegroom on her way to Baghdad
. Bahram Gur killing a white elephant
. Sultan Jalal al-Din and his men after their defeat by the Mongols
. Gashtasb playing polo in the presence of the Roman Emperor
. Timur fighting Shah Mansur
. Timur and his army during the campaign in Iraq
. Saramas singing before Timur
Illustration from the Tarikh-i jahanara of 1683 of The Battle of Najm of Shah Isma‘il against the Lurs
Moghul Emperor Akbar receiving Sayyed Beg, ambassador of Shah Tahmasp I of Iran, at Agra the imperial capital
Hunting scene from Mahan al-Asrar by_Nizami, 1538
Painting of Shah 'Abbas, Khan 'Alam and a page
Portrait of Shah Abbas I Attributed to Bishn Dás
Persian Musketeer of Shah Abbas and another
Isa Khan, Qurchibashi Of Shah Abbas I, c1618.
Portrait of a young man in European style clothes, 1630
Safi I Biography by Joan Bos
A Young Man Entertained Outdoors, an illustration from a Diwan of Baqi, 1636
Shah Sulaiman, 1670
Dr. Kaempfer's Album of Persian Costumes and Animals, 1684-5
Nadir Shah, the Persian Napoleon + Soldier Pictures
Nadir Shah Afshar of Persia (1688-1747)
Nadir Shah Invades India
Persians and other easterners by George Gush
Illustrations from the Shahnama from the 13th to 19th centuries
Illustrations from the Shahnama (2)
Illustrations from the 1522+ Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp
Persian Musketeers in the Chehel Sotoun frescos
Frescos in the main hall of the Chehel Sotoun in Isfahan
Folio 38v - Battle Scene - Shahnamah of 1718-21AD
Illustration of a Persian Tofangci of the Zand period
Persian 19th Century Soldiers

Sites of Wargaming Interest