WWII rules for 10mm?

Started by Baker Boy, 11 November 2012, 08:17:13 PM

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Baker Boy

As a new member I am looking at getting into WWII in 10mm with about 100 to 150 figures a side plus AFVs.  I am not overly worried if this is 1:1 or higher up the scale, but I am looking for rules which give a fairly historical but fun game which can be played on a club evening.  Are there any official suggestions or just reccomendations?  Thanks.



You could try Battlefront WW2 these are fun and there are lots of free senarios on the forum



I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Quote from: Nosher on 11 November 2012, 08:44:37 PM
BKC ;)

I agree !
( I also use Force on Force for skirmish, and I'm giving a try to Flying Lead.)

Last Hussar

I aint Been Shot Mum by the TooFatLardies
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

GNU PTerry



it was basically written with 10mm in mind but can be used with any scale. I usually run it out with 100+ infantry, transports for them all and maybe 12-15 tanks and get a reasonable result in a couple of hours on a club night.

fun? Yeah its fun, its even funner if you can roll dice well, once had the situation where my mate Dave actually said out loud "I dont have to worry about those tanks, theyre miles away." Cue me, rolling double 1, double 1, then a 3, which translated into move-move-move-move-shoot.

Just be aware that its not your ordinary/boring IgoUgo kind of a game, you can get things like described above happening and you can get things like your Elite SS Tiger company sitting on their hands for turn after turn.


Dare I suggest that Flames of War actually meets all the criteria provided a) you don't want to qualify for Camberly Staff College, and b) you don't have a pathological hatred of Battlefront (or any other profit-making organisation). :d
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Steve J


12 November 2012, 10:32:33 AM #8 Last Edit: 12 November 2012, 10:38:49 AM by Luddite
Quote from: Hertsblue on 12 November 2012, 09:05:46 AM
Dare I suggest that Flames of War actually meets all the criteria provided a) you don't want to qualify for Camberly Staff College, and b) you don't have a pathological hatred of Battlefront (or any other profit-making organisation). :d

No good mate, he's looking 'for rules which give a fairly historical'.  FoW certainly isn't that.

The premiere rules are Blitzkrieg Commander (BkC) as many have said.  Personally i'm not too keen on them, but they're certainly popular and do the job well enough (they work far better as a fantasy/sci-fi set in my opinion).

I'd suggest Spearhead as the best ruleset to go for, but they're difficult to get hold of, hard to read (following the Avalon Hill 1970's layout style), and can be a bit impenetrable for the new player.  However, they're the closest i've come to a playable historically accurate WWII set at tactical scale. 

One of the most interesting things about Spearhead is your forces are mostly locked in to following their pre-battle orders which forces you to plan and follow through on those plans unless you want your commanders fantically running around the battlefield trying to get their formations to do something else.  Models the command friction very well...

However...yeah...BkC to start.  
Can you still get copies of BkC though?


"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
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Quote from: Luddite on 12 November 2012, 10:32:33 AM(...)
I'd suggest Spearhead as the best ruleset to go for, but they're difficult to get hold of, hard to read (following the Avalon Hill 1970's layout style), and can be a bit impenetrable for the new player.  However, they're the closest i've come to a playable historically accurate WWII set at tactical scale. 

One of the most interesting things about Spearhead is your forces are mostly locked in to following their pre-battle orders which forces you to plan and follow through on those plans unless you want your commanders fantically running around the battlefield trying to get their formations to do something else.  Models the command friction very well...

I used to play Spearhead, and liked it a lot..
.. but you should play historical scenarios, or with "fair" opponents. the game is too "german advantageous" ( specially in the OB. That was my main disappointment . BKC is using a costs points system, that may even help while creating a historical scenario.)


My two go to's are BKC2 if I want to throw a few battalions on the table, especially if you want lots of tanks and other AFVs- each infantry stand equals a platoon of men, each tank supposedly equals a squad/platoon but for some reason I can never see that in my head and think of them as individual tanks. Either way the game works great.

The other is I Aint Been Shot Mum 3 if you want to play with around a compnay of infantry supported by a platoon of tanks etc. You play this where 1 model equals 1 man, but multi basing works fine if you dont mind tracking kills with a dice.

Beauty of it is with both these systems I can use one lot of multibased models and enjoy two very different rule sets aimed at 2 different levels of details.

Albie Bach

Sadly no longer with us - RIP (2018)


I'll echo Serotonin on this. I use both BKC2 and IABSM3 for 10mm. For an example of playing the same scenario with both sets have a look at:


There is also Command Decision the original or second edition then you can field Divisions on the table