November Releases!

Started by Leon, 01 November 2012, 04:00:47 AM

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01 November 2012, 04:00:47 AM Last Edit: 21 November 2012, 07:18:42 PM by Leon
This month's releases come to you in a slightly rushed manner, as we've been frantically moulding things up to get them ready before we head over to Antwerp for the Crisis show!

There unfortunately aren't any pics yet, but I'll be getting those done as soon as we get back into work on Monday or Tuesday hopefully.

In the meantime though, this month sees 50 new codes, stretching across 2000 years, and filling some of those gaps you've all been asking about!  We've got some additions to the Carthaginians, we've got Napoleonic commanders, we've got 19th century casualty's, and we've even got the addition of our special Birthday Bash figure, as George Washington is now available!

And if all that wasn't enough, we've also got a load more Falkland's codes ready to go, with the majority of the foot now available!

Hopefully there's something here for everyone, and as always, let us know your thoughts!


Ancient Carthaginians -
ACR12   Veterans   Â£4.00
ACR13   Libyan Spearmen   Â£4.00

AWI Misc -
AWX2   George Washington (1)   Â£0.65
AWX3   George with plinth (1)   Â£1.00

Nap Austrians -
NPA26   High Command (3)   Â£1.00

1859 French -
FIW3   Voltigeur, advancing (20)   Â£2.70
FIW4   Voltigeur command (12)   Â£1.60

1860’s Austrian -
AU22   Dead markers (10)   Â£1.35

19th Century Misc -
FPX2   Dead markers (10)   Â£1.35

ACW61   Civilians (16)   Â£2.20

Colonial Sudan -
SC21   Mahdist Camelry   Â£4.00

SCW Vehicles -
SCV8   Lancia IZM A/C   Â£2.75

BR167   Home Guard, Lewis gun, sidecap (10)   Â£1.35
BR168   Policemen, rifle, 3 poses (10)   Â£1.35
BR169   Upper class civilians, 3 poses (10)   Â£1.35

WWII French -
FRE15   Civilians / Refugees (6)   Â£1.35
(These are suitable for Belgians and Polish as well, but we don't have those ranges yet!)

WWII German -
GR227   Paddlers (5 pairs)   Â£1.35
GR228   Stretcher bearers (10)   Â£1.35

Falklands - British -
FLB20   Advancing with SLR, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB21   Advancing under fire, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB22   Kneeling, firing SLR, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB23   Standing, firing SLR, helmet, backpack (10)   Â£1.35
FLB24   Standing, firing SMG, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB25   Officers, with SLR/SMG/map, helmet, 3 poses (10)   Â£1.35
FLB26   Radio Operators, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB27   .50 cal MG, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB28   GPMG team, prone, helmet (5 pairs)   Â£1.35
FLB29   GPMG team, walking, helmet (5 pairs)   Â£1.35
FLB30   Blowpipe, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB31   84mm MAW, helmet (10)   Â£1.35
FLB32   Milan team, helmet (3 teams)   Â£1.35
FLB33   Engineers, 1 kneeling, 1 prone, helmet (5 pairs)   Â£1.35
FLB34   Standing, firing SLR, helmet, bumroll (10)   Â£1.35
FLB35   81mm mortar with crew (3)   Â£1.35

Falklands - Argentinians -
FLA1   Kneeling, firing (10)   Â£1.35
FLA2   Advancing (10)   Â£1.35
FLA3   Advancing, with 'full kit' (10)   Â£1.35
FLA4   Standing, firing (10)   Â£1.35
FLA5   Advancing, under fire (10)   Â£1.35
FLA6   Officers, 1 standing, 1 kneeling (10)   Â£1.35
FLA7   Radio Operators (10)   Â£1.35
FLA8   MG team, prone (5 pairs)   Â£1.35
FLA9   MG team, advancing (10)   Â£1.35
FLA10   Blowpipe (10)   Â£1.35
FLA11   Engineers, 1 kneeling, 1 prone (5 pairs)   Â£1.35
FLA12   Special Forces, with FN FAL (10)   Â£1.35
FLA13   Special Forces with SMG (10)   Â£1.35
FLA14   Kneeling, firing, with helmet (10)   Â£1.35

Fantasy Goblins -
FG12   Shamans (5)   Â£1.80

8) :-bd - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


I read BR169 as "Upper Case Civilians". Capital, sir, capital!  :D
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Quote from: Hertsblue on 01 November 2012, 09:25:24 AM
Capital, sir, capital!  :D

Agree - definatly Capital. 

Is that all though ?   
NO Aztecs, or silly 'ats.
:d :d
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Well that'smy warfare order sorted! One each British in lids, one each Argentines, plus special character, yet to be coded!  ;)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Lybian spearmen? interesting...


Quote from: Leon on 01 November 2012, 04:00:47 AM
-BR167   Home Guard, Lewis gun, sidecap (10)   Â£1.35
BR168   Policemen, rifle, 3 poses (10)   Â£1.35
BR169   Upper class civilians, 3 poses (10)   Â£1.35

HUZZAH!   :-bd ;D ;D ;D



New Fuzzy camelry will be welcome reinforcements to the Mahdi's cause. :)
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: Phobos on 01 November 2012, 10:11:19 AM
Lybian spearmen? interesting...

Javelin-men rather than spear-men perhaps ?
I dunno....I've made so many figures in the past couple of months, I'm completely losing track of what I have made.
Don't think I've done anything completely daft, like make a GPMG team for anything 'ancient' or Napoleonic...But you never know !
I'm working too hard !...My brain hurts ! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil


Dayum!  What a huge list!  Great work guys


Nice one chaps ;)

Dont think there'll be much need for ADVANCING ARGENTINIANS... :o that said if I cut away their weapons they can always feature as artillery targets when they're running back to Stanley. :d :d :d

now I just need to hope some ebay sales I have ready for the weekend go well!
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson

Albie Bach

Great list, but ...
GR227   Paddlers (5 pairs)   Â£1.35
I've just finished painting a load of Asssault Dinghys using seated infantry.
It was good practice - but I'll have to have the real thing.  8)
Sadly no longer with us - RIP (2018)


Quote from: Nosher on 01 November 2012, 02:58:07 PM
Dont think there'll be much need for ADVANCING ARGENTINIANS... :o that said if I cut away their weapons they can always feature as artillery targets when they're running back to Stanley. :d :d :d

I suppose Leon could put in an extra code in the releases and call them retreating Argentinians and take the photo from the back.... ;D ;D ;D
That'd be cheap on design costs ! :d :d
Cheers - Phil.


Just wondering if an A should be inserted between the M and G in the FLA8 and FLA9 MG team?  " All will be revealed in the fullness of time"  SGT Terry by BRT platoon sergeant.

General Bt Sherman

Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!