a new style in painting napoleonics

Started by sarmation, 23 October 2012, 02:30:07 PM

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a little bit different with esy dipping..i know some imperfection...sorry for that hope you like them



The dip looks a little heavy, giving them a very 'dirty' appearance, but I reckon once they're based up, they'll definitely look like they've been on campaign for a few months! 

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I think Leon's right...
But as he says, once they're based up........ 8)
Cheers - Phil.

General Bt Sherman

Did you brush or dip the figures? If you dipped then you may want to try brushing the dip on. You may get a little better result.
Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


If your goal is to use the dip, I'd change the colors to be brighter and have more contrast. Then the dip will add the shadows.

There is a tutorial on painting 6mm Naps and you actually go over the washed figure with a white highlight on the crossbelts and pants. I think it works well.


thanks at all for your commentys i use light dpping with brush...the other way is the use of the devlun mud ..but for the white i think this can go..but i thank you for all the suggestions


Sarmation which dip are you using?

I have just started painting a WSS French army and am using Army Painter Dark shade which I brush on and the results are quite nice, no too 'dirty'. I'll try and post pics later.

Rothgar where is the painting guide for the 6mm as I am painting a Nap 1812 Grande Army and Russians.


24 October 2012, 03:10:11 PM #7 Last Edit: 24 October 2012, 03:14:59 PM by Rothgar68
Argh! I cannot find the link to the tutorial.

I thought it was from Steve's Paintingshed Blog.

PM me your email and I can send you a doc I made of the steps.

Found it.. It was on TMP of all places.


I still have a doc of it if anyone wants it. (along with some of the HAT french cav uniform guides)


I think the big trick here is to have another (dry) brush ready to wipe most, if not quite all, of the dip off the white bits.

You can see some of my efforts here http://gordonsgaming.blogspot.co.uk/ scroll down a little for the Napoleonics.