Frontage for SYW figures

Started by Lovstrom, 20 April 2010, 02:39:28 PM

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I have just ordered some SYW Prussians.
I am going to use Black powder as the rules for these.
Now, In your opinion.How much frontage do I need to base these figures.?
How much space do 4 figs take up? 20mm?
Are there other people here that also use Black powder? How do you base your units?



On a 30mm frontage, 4 figures per rank look good.  Same on an inch just barely fits and some poses might have a problem.

I am going with 2 ranks of 4 files on a 30mm square; 3 horse in 1 rank.

Battalion guns look like they will work 30mm squarel; full size guns do OK on a 40mm depth.  Limbers with all 4 horses need at least 50mm and I am thinking 70mm deep will work better.


Oh, and I am planning to use black powder as well.  5 bases for standard unit, and cm measurements of course.


Thankyou Lentulus
I think of having 3 figs go onto a 20mm frontage.
I think I stick to 30fig units. 40figs units seem a bit large for me.
But when I get the figs I will try out the possibilities.


Last Hussar

Other Pendraken I have fit 6 on 40mm frontage (Warmaster).  Based on this I intend to go 2 rows 3 on 20 frontage for WSS BP
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

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