Static Grass Help!

Started by Genom, 10 October 2012, 09:49:34 PM

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Unfortunately it would appear that my old CRT was new enough to have an anti static filter on it and there's nothing on my nice new LCD.

Though after a conversation with the wife tonight about it, I'm actually considering buying some ballons to try the static trick out. I must be nuts!


Quote from: Genom on 17 October 2012, 12:15:37 AM

Though after a conversation with the wife tonight about it, I'm actually considering buying some ballons to try the static trick out. I must be nuts!

Well, you're posting on this forum - so you must be fairly divorced from reality.  8-} :O)
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Anyone had any experience using those electrified things that make static grass stand up via putting a small current through it? Made for train layouts so for static grassing a large area liek a field or soem such. Looks impressive but also a weird one. You can also get static grass applicators that run a charge through the material making it stand up on end. Again look fun but a little expensive. You could just rub a balloon on your jeans and hold that to it...


Considering the prohibitive costs (90 €) I would advise against them.

Matt J

I use the balloon method, does work. Balloons free from your local McDonalds  :D
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Mine stands to attention with just a shake of the tub of static grass before I put it on-never had to use any fancy static devices. Trick is to use thinned PVA.


somebody used a puffer bottle to put of the static grass ? What's about the FMR - Static Grass Applicator, cheaper than a static grass applicator.
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I use liquid Vynilic glue.
You don't want it to be too much "creammy" but more "Milky".
Then, the grass is pressed against it, not just poured like salt.
Let dry.
Then take the excess off.
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What is the balloon method ?
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google static grass applicators there are several how to make your own and how to use it. I made one from an electric fly swatter from a bargain shop (B&M) cost about £3 need a few other things some old electric wiring fro a cable, a crocodile clip, and a metal tea strainer. in all would cost about £5 to make it works a treat too.

PS suggest you buy two swatters as the wiring in them is so fine it took a second attempt before I managed to assemble one. I also  found you didn't have to actually nail/stick a pin into the base being flocked a stiff piece of wire gripped in the crocodile clip and propped so as to touch the glue works equally as well.


Quote from: BH62 on 20 February 2013, 10:30:33 AM
What is the balloon method ?

Rubbing the inflated balloon on your jumper to produce a static charge to make the grass 'stand up' ?
(Said he guessing wildly.)

Cheers - Phil


23 July 2013, 10:13:01 AM #27 Last Edit: 23 July 2013, 10:16:49 AM by Fenton
Or hold it in front  of the telly. Like what Nik said
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


After my 10mm lads have trampled all over the stuff with their great hobnail boots there ain't much standing up anyway.  :d
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.