Piccies of SYW in the metal

Started by rexhurley, 30 July 2011, 11:26:15 PM

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Hi ya Leon since you have so kindly answered some of my questions re Undead, etc in another gentleman's thread could we some more of that outstanding service and see some piccies of SYW Austrians and Prussians in the "bare" so to speak please.... :D

Many thanks tah muchly.

Anyone else who wants to share their joys of these mini's feel free and yes I have seen Nic's post thanks, curious why he chose blue for his Curiassier facings instead of red :-\ (part from Modena Regt all had variations of Red) but hey personal preference is all cool

Cheers cRex


I've not got any bare metal pics to hand, but there are some great painted examples dotted about here.  There were a couple of thread's of Clib's armies somewhere, have you seen those?
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Quote from: rexhurley on 30 July 2011, 11:26:15 PM
I have seen Nic's post thanks, curious why he chose blue for his Curiassier facings instead of red :-\ (part from Modena Regt all had variations of Red) but hey personal preference is all cool

Coolio  :) No prizes for where mine are from then...begins with 'M' & ends with an 'a' and kind-of, sort-of, rhymes with 'Ribena'  :P ;D


Quote from: Leon on 30 July 2011, 11:30:14 PM
I've not got any bare metal pics to hand, but there are some great painted examples dotted about here.  There were a couple of thread's of Clib's armies somewhere, have you seen those?

Nah mate got the dark glasses on and blind as a bat  8) >:( >:( >:(

Care to point me the right way...of course you could always post some naked pics to the website to help sales  ;) :D


Quote from: clibinarium on 02 August 2011, 11:40:25 AM
Now both with a single new owner, who will look after them well;


My Marlburian Project has just come to a very rapid halt  :o

Time to return to the fold of my first true love of SYW (lols back in the late 80's had all the kk units in Mike Model's  :o :o) then graduated to 25's but stopped playing  =) =)

Ah the joys of the Project and beautiful scuplts.  Your flags handpainted lovely, what size mate?

One question you mention KK but obviously chose to go with one rank on the cav versus 2 as per the rules, care to share why? look cooler?  and oh yes the gorgeous sorry wifey your going to clean the drool off the floor  :-[ :-[ :d :d

Anyone got similar pics of Polish Hussars, Italian Wars and ECW?? :D :D