Books for sale

Started by Chad, 23 September 2012, 01:48:24 PM

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I am having a small clear out and will post a list of books I have available. They will include out of print Osprey (mainly Ancients) and WRG publications.

Prices will hopefully be reasonable and will include postage.



25 September 2012, 09:29:44 PM #1 Last Edit: 26 September 2012, 04:13:25 PM by Leon
OK, here's the list. All prices include 1st class UK postage. For any non-UK interest I would have to review postal rates. and prices

Uniforms of the Seven Years War(Blandford) - Condition Average - £10
Altpreussische Uniformen - Bleckwenn - Condition Good - £10
Uniforms of The Civil War - Haythornwaite - Softback - Condition Good - £8
Wargaming in History - The American Civil War - Stevenson - Softback - Condition Good - £6
WRG Armies of the Ancient Near East - Condition Good - £8
WRG Armies of the Middle Ages Vol 1 - Condition Good but some notes made and shields coloured - £8
WRG Armies of the Middle Ages Vol2 - Condition Good - £8

WRG Armies of The Macedonian and Punic Wars - Condition Good - £8
WRG Armies of Feudal Europe 1066-1300 - Condition Good - £8
Renaissance Armies 1480-1650 2nd Edition - Condition Good - £10

The following Osprey all £6.
Elite - Ancient Greeks
Army of Alexander the Great
Rome's Enemies 4: Spanish Armies
Armies of the Carthaginian Wars
The Greek and Persian Wars
Campaign - Cannae

I also have Greece and Rome at War by Connolly. Price to follow.

Please e-mail me direct if interested, I will deal with any messages on a 'first come first served basis' and arrange despatch,



Uniforms of the Seven Years War and Renaissance Armies now spoken for and unavailable.



The WRG Middle Ages (both volumes) and Feudal are now spoken for and not available.



Quote from: Chad on 26 September 2012, 07:55:13 AM
Uniforms of the Seven Years War and Renaissance Armies now spoken for and unavailable.

Quote from: Chad on 26 September 2012, 12:40:06 PM
The WRG Middle Ages (both volumes) and Feudal are now spoken for and not available.

I've struck those off the list for you. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!
