Dr. Who

Started by Vulpine, 18 September 2012, 06:32:31 PM

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Thanks Tec, I welcome advice!

Yeah I found I'd do a area but then, doing something near would also move an area just done. Are you saying this will stop that effect?
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Quote from: Vulpine on 10 January 2013, 07:20:39 AM
Thanks Tec, I welcome advice!
Yeah I found I'd do a area but then, doing something near would also move an area just done. Are you saying this will stop that effect?

Not really V.
If there's a danger of spoiling something you've just done, you want to let that bit set....or almost set...Before working close to it.
The darker blue mix does 'go off' more quickly though, so in some respects this might help.
It's a little bit down to trial and error I'm afraid....But I don't think it'll take too long for you to pick it up at all.
Have a bit of an experiment. ;)

I should have added....

You might need to use your 'normal' mix of green stuff for the initial 'skin' of putty over the metal....(The darker mix doesn't stick to the metal quite as readily....) You'll be using that original 'skin' to help the darker colour putty stick in position.

Hope that makes sense !
Cheers - Phil.


Sure! Thanks Tec

As you say it's all about exp. I do think this set of 30ish Doctor who's compared to my first set are better. 
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29 March 2013, 11:47:57 PM #123 Last Edit: 30 March 2013, 01:06:01 AM by Vulpine

Well it's been a while....

Although for me, just slipping out of my TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) only a matter of minuets have passed since my last post. But as a guy who grew up in the 90s my my TARDIS looks like this:

So what's going on? Well, originally the Dr Who rules would have been posted in Jan/Feb. But this isn't going to be a quick "that will do" system. Me and Dim_Reaper want this to be perfect. I'm also working on some rules for an Aliens game, but it will be a quick and simple pick up and play, we want DrWho to be a truly foundation game for us. It will be fun but also competitive, realistic (in a fantasy world that is) and fair system.

We have played the system and re written and played again and again and re tweaked and played again (see our DW BatRep: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,6563.0.html#top ). I even got another friend who has nothing to do with DW, or on fact any 10mm (shame on him!) to have a few games and gives us feed back. I found this helped as me and Dim had become attached and almost (almost!) bias towards troops/armies we personally liked. As you can imagine that Neanderthal instinct to always win might bring yourself to push a rule towards your favour... But not this time ;).

But this is we're we need YOU to give us a hand! The rules will be posted within the week and we would love players to give it a go. You will obviously need some models and if you don't have the time to make your own I'm sure there are some stand in models and such. Pendraken infact do half our range, be it Sci Fi or Falklands stuff. Any feed back would be very welcome.

Final note: The second set of models should be ready for casting soon. Just a few more to finish off and send to Pendraken Towers
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Quote from: Vulpine on 29 March 2013, 11:47:57 PM
The rules will be posted within the week...

So I tell V that I'm getting there with the rules, and he says on here, without consulting me, that they'll be up within the week. No pressure then, gitbag...

I suppose as primary rules monkey for this particular project, it behooves me to talk a little bit about it. I will, of course, delete the first paragraph I write concerning it before posting, as it will all be expletives.  :D

Anyway, I'm not really with V and his insistence upon "realism" that he endlessly (trust me, it's as endless as his "3 Fs" that he has no doubt regaled you all with) drones on about. Realism isn't particularly important to me. Context and consistency is, however. How does one represent reality, when the pressing need of any rules writer is an appropriate abstract, in order to enforce that underestimated concept among 28mm'ers: balance. But ultimately the first thing a gamer will see (gamers not being the most rational of folk), is whether or not something "makes sense" compared to external things. What makes sense, and what is (apparently) real are not aligned, nor should be. At the risk of sidetracking the whole discussion, which is Doctor Who (I think), getting something to make sense in its own context is more important than what the real thing does, especially when a lot of gamers think of "the real thing" and actually see the Hollywood representation. The whole path is fraught with peril, and not worth wasting the time on. That's right, isn't it V? Does it Fit? Is it Fair? Do you want Fries with that? ;)

Still, I think at the very least we have an interesting system, with some features that are potentially different to the usual fare. The system primarily relies on the size of units, and the strength of units weighs upon how long they last and the damage they do. There are statline differences, but they are mostly small, although the small differences do have a not insignificant impact on the game. The emphasis seems to be in keeping squads strong, and how/when/where to commit them. It's pretty much a squad-scale skirmish, and in spite of many, many arguments, debates, and stressing, I have to say (although biting my own hand at the prospect of self-promotion), that it is hard not to fall a little bit for the simple elegance of it. Whether or not this simple elegance works, will be for some considerable scrutiny. V adores it, the creator, well, I might as well rename myself Victor Frankenstein.

I've tried to keep the system as simple as possible, and I'm hoping I've set up a consistent core. Recently I've been fiddling with a Command and Orders system, which I would like to actually playtest before putting up here. Unfortunately, my better half in this endeavour is much more impatient and eager than me, and so he'd better get his finger out of his bottom next week and help me playtest it if he wants the thing up so quickly...

It is hard to describe, without just posting the thing up, but you shouldn't be waiting long, anyway. V wants to mess about with the look of it before posting, but I'm viewing this strictly as a beta. I would very much like to hear from those of you kind enough to give our ruleset a test-run or two. There are a few things that we are quite divisive on, and extra opinions will be useful so that V can realise I'm correct. ;)

I'll be honest and admit I've found this a bit of a pig for the large part. But that is ultimately my job, which is why I'm looking forward to playing V's aliens game, because he's doing the writing for it, and muggins here just has to turn up with models, which is a novel concept that I should try more often. V's alien system is pretty amazing mind, so keep an eye out for it.

Anyway, I should have the majority of my remaining work heading towards completion by tomorrow evening, if I don't finish it by then. You're probably looking at the weekend for the beta, depending on when playtesting fits into it.  If all goes well, it'll be much earlier. As V says, we're not going for a "that'll do" system here. We've staked quite a lot in it, but in honesty I can't wait to get back to 28mm.  ;D


01 April 2013, 11:28:12 PM #125 Last Edit: 01 April 2013, 11:36:50 PM by Vulpine
Well, I suppose this represents our different job types...

Dim_Reaper in the physical world is a carer, it's all about doing the best job for a client regardless of how long it takes as long as the customer is comfortable... Me being a Decorator, we get in, find the solution ASAP and do it as best as possible in the time given. I suppose this is why me and DR often bump heads on things but generally work very well together. Bit like a 70s cop show! Officer Dim would sit down and try and tease the info out of a suspect, getting there confidence and inside there head.... I would torture them!

However, he did say this week. Infact he said Jan but I ain't going for the "I'm right!" slant. That all goes out the window if the systems ain't right. If it takes a week and a day buys or longer so be it!

I'm free wed afternoon and playtesting of the Pre posted rule set should be on the cards. Ill fiddle with the look after more playtesting and such, for a while it will be posted as a presentable draft.

Now, it ain't just Dim who has been busy. I've almost finishe the second set of models. This should consist of...
Doctors i, ii, iii, iv, v, The master, Morbious, Morbious (monster), yeti, cyber mats swarm, Davros, SW Dalek, 5 Ogrons, 5 Ice warriors, Ice Lord, 5 Sontarens, Sontaren Commander and 4 Draconians.

I've just finished the Ogrons. Ogrons are ape/caveman like mercenaries used by the Daleks in 'day of the Daleks' but also fought with the alliance against the Reble Time lord Morbious. Here is a pic of two Ogrons chilling with a Dalek, talking about hair conditioner and 'dis gul wee saw!"

... And here is my model. Based origanlly on a Pendraken Sci Fi Marine (one with pistol, 2 with riffles):

Nothing special, just head sculpting really. But I had to make sure the face and hair was right. Faces are my week spot, usually, the Dollys I work on from Pendraken have the face already sculpted, but there sloping fore head, long scatty hair and heavy brow was important to the model. (Remind me of a girl from Sunderland I used the date)
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galaxy in an ancient


Nice job V ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil.


Well, couldn't have done them without the awsome marine models ;)
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Thought they looked familiar. ;) ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil.


Looking good.

Quote from: Vulpine on 01 April 2013, 11:28:12 PM
... And here is my model. Based origanlly on a Pendraken Sci Fi Marine (one with pistol, 2 with riffles):

Not so sure on using one of our Marines though, might have been better using a dolly there.
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Hi all,

Just a quick update... Orgrons have been remade from scratch, Draconians done, so is the master and DoctorV (pics to come)

More importantly the rules are almost ready... So please please please help us out with play testing!

C&C more than welcome!   

Thanks in advance
You're just a pathetic
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skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


15 July 2013, 11:53:42 PM #131 Last Edit: 15 July 2013, 11:56:27 PM by Vulpine

Just to get you all in the mood!
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


16 July 2013, 05:11:38 PM #132 Last Edit: 16 July 2013, 05:15:54 PM by Dim_Reapa
Quote from: Vulpine on 14 July 2013, 11:47:40 AM
More importantly the rules are almost ready... So please please please help us out with play testing!

I do wish you would appeal for this after the rules were actually available V. Posting a thread in the Rules Section even, I find that exceedingly unnecessary. Let's not frustrate what audience we may have chucking out hype for something that has been knocked back several times.

Anyway. First Beta of the Rules is nearing completion. There have been a few teething problems and debates in the past few months (the discussions over the rules for the Missile Launcher almost ended in a knife fight), but most of the obstacles have been overcome and I'm happy to report that I expect the rules to be completed presently. Aside of last minute changes, a few additional rules have been necessary, and over the course of time we've realised we could add more to increase the appeal of the ruleset.

Something that I have had some problems with is the scenarios. We are happy we are on the right track with them, and I think I've got a fairly innovative way of making them work, but it will need playtesting. With that in mind, as I type up all of the material, I'm debating somewhat over whether to only include the one scenario for now, whilst myself and V test out how this "Scenario Points" feature works, and then introduce it into the Beta at a later date.

I am a complete perfectionist, who likes to mull over things, so my pace of working is not entirely to V's tastes, although I'd argue my way has easily produced the best ruleset. Is it worth waiting for, that'll be up for you to decide. It has been an absolute pig of a thing, but I'm beginning to appreciate it a little bit. Depending on how successful this is, we may do some crossovers, and it's fairly likely that we'll have a crack at getting a general, more copyright friendly usage out of it.

I will talk more about it (as if I haven't gone on enough about it) once the rules are in a presentable state. I am hoping to have them up this week, but with the Time Wars ruleset, there's always been something to prolong the deadline, so I'm not making any promises. Once the rules are ready, I hope to post them up on here in the Downloadable Rules (or simply Rules) section. I can't make any promises as to when, but given that most of the difficult bits are out of the way, I do expect to have the rules finished soon.

Until the rules are up, I'm not going to talk about the rules again, nor is V.  And that's an order, V.  ;)


It's been since march when he said "within the week" to me... If I tell him to get on, he complains... So I left him until recently... Still no rules?

Deadlines are your friend Dim, they make people more productive and having something to aim for can help. I will quote a cleaver friend of mine "if you have a load of free time, you will waist it, when you don't, time becomes more valuable and will be used with more value" and who said that...? Dim said that!

Stop posting and get on with your job X
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


16 July 2013, 09:26:16 PM #134 Last Edit: 16 July 2013, 09:28:14 PM by Dim_Reapa
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

And I can tell you whatever deadline. That doesn't really matter as you equally contribute to the messing up of those deadlines. Doesn't matter if only my mate knows the unofficial deadline, but then he goes and posts this deadline everywhere else and I'm the one who looks the like a douche.

BTW, you were the other half of the Missile Launcher debate I mentioned, so you can answer the "Still No Rules" question yourself, can't you. ;)

We usually get on BTW, just we're very good at irritating each other.