Dr. Who

Started by Vulpine, 18 September 2012, 06:32:31 PM

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Paint it Pink

And just to be clear to the pedants. I've not offered to buy them either. I just want Santa Claus, an imaginary person, to give me a present i.e. a wish, and wishing is just that, nothing more.
Unlike some people, I feel under no obligation to pretend that only one war-gaming scale is true, and that any others 6mm/10mm/15mm/25mm are mistaken; or that I know better than people themselves what is right for them to use. The point is precisely for all war-gamers to decide for themselves.



It does seem like it is a bit of a grey area though, irregular sell a "not" Dalek in their 6mm range, and they seem to be doing fine without the men from Auntie getting on their backs.

Maybe, someone could ask the guys at Irregular, and see if they have any stick from the beeb about it?

I did remember something someone told me ages ago about how companies (usually from china etc) manage to make and sell "not" Disney stuff, by just changing small aspects of the design, costume or colour. The things still looked like the real Disney stuff, just not Disney! I'm wondering if that might be a way of doing it? However, some research in copyright/trade mark type law may be a good idea.

Check out The Grinning Skull for Grinning Skull 15mm Miniatures rangehttp://www.thegrinningskull.co.uk/


Quote from: Paint it Pink on 08 October 2012, 01:24:29 PM
And just to be clear to the pedants. I've not offered to buy them either. I just want Santa Claus, an imaginary person, to give me a present i.e. a wish, and wishing is just that, nothing more.

Do you think He'll fetch me some in 15mm for Crimbo as well...!!!
Check out The Grinning Skull for Grinning Skull 15mm Miniatures rangehttp://www.thegrinningskull.co.uk/


It's not something Pendraken will be looking to get involved in, we've got enough on the Requests list to keep us busy for quite a while yet!  Once Vulpine has had them moulded up, it's up to him what he does with them.

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Ah ha!!!! Watch my eBay page lol ;)
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Check out The Grinning Skull for Grinning Skull 15mm Miniatures rangehttp://www.thegrinningskull.co.uk/


Any budding sculptors, heed my warning....

I finished my Cybermen, removed them from there sticks and placed them away safley.

I then started doing my Vogans. I finished three militia and they look good, there based on some monk models from pedraken. Unfortunately I realised to my despair that they tower over the cybermen.   >:(

So the militia are binned, but I've done a 10mm that fits in now, he's looking sharp!
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Oh, anyone wanting to try there own cybermen, here is a good resource site:


Now at first I thought, thos people are so SAD! Then I thought, mmmm I would love a proper cyber suit, wounded if they will let me join there group  :-\
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


I got two of the new series cyberman helmets from a carboot sale, they only cost me a quid each! They are an ideal starting point to a full suit (I got them so I could make a LARP one out of foam and latex, but I'm too skint to fund it!)  :(
Check out The Grinning Skull for Grinning Skull 15mm Miniatures rangehttp://www.thegrinningskull.co.uk/


That was wrong in so many ways,

1) "I got two of the new series cyberman helmets" There aint no new Dr Who Series
2) Even if you belive that the new Dr Who is official, the cybermen are not cybermen. There built on earth, not Mondas.
3) LARPing... no comment
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


I used to work in the LARP industry making weapons and armor, Its good money making bodysuits for folks (things like that tend to go for £500+ easily) So as you can imagine a new who fan would pay quite a bit for a decent one.
I don't do it anymore myself, not for 20 years and don't think I would suit a cyberman costume anyway. The nearest thing I would get to that is wearing the helmet, getting drunk on absinthe and waking my neighbors up by screaming "delete"! (I haven' tried it yet, but I did try and shoot his garden gnomes with a crossbow whilst sozzled last year!)
I know all the Who fluff and the new ones are not the same as the low budget versions, which is a good thing as they have stopped looking like S&M gimps with miners lamps taped to their head, covered in bacofoil!  :o
Check out The Grinning Skull for Grinning Skull 15mm Miniatures rangehttp://www.thegrinningskull.co.uk/


 :o I can't believe what your saying about classic Cybermen!

Cybermen say "Excellent" "No, noo, NO"  and "take the patrol.. Across" not "delete" 
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Quote from: Vulpine on 08 October 2012, 05:04:04 PM
Any budding sculptors, heed my warning....
I then started doing my Vogans. I finished three militia and they look good, there based on some monk models from pedraken. Unfortunately I realised to my despair that they tower over the cybermen.   >:(

You're not the first...You won't be the last V. ;)
Not by a long chalk !! :D
Cheers - Phil.


8th models ever sculpted.... And I'm already on it!
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Ok... Here is the plan

As we can only get 30 guys a mould and as its a lot more cost effective to print the whole mould than get individual models this shal be the plan.

First set- The Daleks’ Master Plan

1x Cyber Controler
1x Cyber Leader
6x Cybermen
1x Vogan Leader of the Gardians
3x Vogan Gardian
3x Vogan Militia
1x Time Lord Councillor
3x Chancellery Guard
3x Time Lord Warriors
1x Darlek Special weapon   
7x Daleks (Could be Invasion Leader or supreme Dalek )

Now as far as Sales are concerned... I think it's got a little out of hand, Leon/Pendraken do not own these models, they will be mine although Leon will get my sculpted masters and make a mould for me. Then I can produce them for my self. However I personally can do as I wish, paint them, hoy them out the car window at stray Cats, put them on eBay or Sellotape them to my forehead and whatever, either way it will have nothing to do with Leon or Pendraken at all.

Hope that clear....

The plan for the next set looks like this...
Ogron Mercs
Sontaren Captain
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient