Dr. Who

Started by Vulpine, 18 September 2012, 06:32:31 PM

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You're just a pathetic
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"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


Thank you sir, thank you
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bunch of tin soldiers,
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galaxy in an ancient


14 October 2012, 03:10:55 PM #63 Last Edit: 26 October 2012, 03:58:08 PM by Leon
You're just a pathetic
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14 October 2012, 04:28:52 PM #64 Last Edit: 26 October 2012, 03:59:27 PM by Leon
Time Lord Warriors





This is my WIP of a Time Lord warrior.
This unit was not actually in the TV program, the only troups from Gallifrey are the The Chancellery Guard who  were responsible for security and law enforcement on Gallifrey and were not Time Lords. In the rule system we will have the CG as basic troups and the Time Lord Warrior unit will be an elite squad of time lords (not the Doctor himself). They will be very Jedi-ish. Although I have no basis for them, I would have thought that during the time wars some Time Lords did actually have to fight. So here they are!

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galaxy in an ancient


15 October 2012, 02:46:49 PM #65 Last Edit: 26 October 2012, 04:01:59 PM by Leon
Right here we go then:

First up, I've done my Time lord Castellan. They can basically be your commander and give you redeployment rules.
Here is the image for TV:

Here is the WIP model:

Next I have the rest I the WIP Time lord warrior squad:

Now, I got very distracted with the next one... Its very early WIP but i had to show you guys... intoducing ...
The Dalek:




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bunch of tin soldiers,
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galaxy in an ancient


19 October 2012, 09:58:30 PM #66 Last Edit: 19 October 2012, 10:00:46 PM by Vulpine
Sorry to keep replying to my self (actually, I feel a tad lonely) but for the people who just read...

All my masters are done and they are now heading towards Pendraken Towers to be made into a master mould! Exciting times!

Models Sent:
7 Cybermen
1 Cybercontroler
1 Dalek (to be multiplied)
1 Vogan Leader of the Guardians
3 Vogan Militia
5 Vogan Guardians
1 Time Lord Castellan
3 Time Lord Warriors
5 Chancellery Guard
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bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


These guys arrived with us this week, so we'll getting Vulpine's mould done soon hopefully.  For a first attempt at sculpting, I think they look pretty good.  You can see who's who (!), the different races/peoples are easily identified, and once they're cast and painted, I think Vulpine's going to have a rather nice game sorted!

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


25 October 2012, 10:29:28 PM #68 Last Edit: 25 October 2012, 10:36:16 PM by Vulpine

So now the nitty gritty is done we are planing to post up some Free PDF rules and some supliments for our Doctor Who Skirmish game, based mainly on the time wars. Hopefully you will all play the game and give us feedback on the rules and we can keep them as living rule books, all changing as we go on. Here is what our planned realises are;

1) Rules - Time wars - Core Book
The main rules and squads to play Time Wars
• The Rules for playing
• Two main army lists
  - Time-Lord/Earth/U.N.I.T/Draconian/Ogron
  - Dalek/Troopers/Ogron/Sontaren
• Basic gaming Scenarios

2) Campaign book - Time Wars - Neo Phobis
A scenario book based on The cyber wars. That had the Cybermen fighting the Earth and Vogan Allience.
• Additional units for the core book:
   - Vogan (Gardians and Militia)
   - Cybermen (Patrol squads and Cybermats)
• Scenarios based on the Cyber wars
• Historical Cyber and Vogan/Earth alliance army lists for use only in cyber wars scenarios

A) Mould one - Time Wars/Cyber Wars
This Mould will include four main army's, two for the core book (Time Lord/Daleks) and two for the Neo Phobis Campaign book (Cybermen/Vogans) It should include:

• Time Lords
1 Time Lord Castellan
3 Time Lord Warriors
5 Chancellery Guard

• Daleks
1 Invashion Leader
7 Daleks

• Cybermen
1 Cybercontroler
7 Cybermen

• Vogans
1 Vogan Leader of the Guardians
3 Vogan Militia
5 Vogan Guardians

3) Campaign book - Time Wars - Exterminate  
A scenario book based on The Dalek Civil war between Davros and his empire and the Renaged Daleks.
• Additional units for the core book:
   - Davros
   - Dalek Emperor
   - The Master
   - Suicide Dalek      
   - Doctor I, II and III
• Scenarios based on the Dalek Civil wars
• Historical army lists to be used only for the Dalek civil war Senarios (Davros's Daleks and The Renage Daleks)

B ) Mould two - Dalek Civil Wars
This Mould will include models for use in the Dalek Civil wars Senarios but also a good booster pack for Dalek Armies. It should include

• Davros
• Dalek Emperor
• The Master
• 10 Daleks
• A Special weapon Dalek
• A Suicide Dalek      
• 5 Dalek Troopers
• 3 Ogrons
• Doctor I
• Doctor II
• Doctor III

4) Campaign book - Time Wars - Renegade  
A scenario book based on The life of Morbious and the massive conflict of Morbious and his mercenary army and the Doctor with his strange  alliance of Draconians, Sontarans, Human, Ogrons, Ice Warriors and Cybermen army's and then this book continues through to his rebirth as a monster.
• Additional units for the core book:
   - Morbious
   - Morbious's monster
   - Ice (Warrior) Lord
   - Ice Warriors
   - Sisterhood of Karn
   - Doctor IV and  V,
• Scenarios based on the Morbious wars
• Historical army lists for use in the Morbious War scenarios.

C) Mould Three - Morbious Wars
This Mould will include and models mainly for use in the Morbious wars Senarios but also some good units for the main Time Wars game such as the Sontarans.
• Morbious as Time Lord
• Morbious as monster
• Doctor IV
• Doctor V
• Draconian Leader
• 5 Draconians
• Sontaren Commander  
• 5 Sontarans
• 3 Ogrons
• Ice Lord
• 5 Ice Warriors
• 3 Sisterhood of Karn
• 3 Cybermats

However none of the above is set in stone, I am doing the models and my good Friend 'Dim Reaper' is working on the rules. However I'm sure we can think of more campaigns based on exciting and  interesting time periods during Doctor Twos long life span. Lets also not forget the many other interesting races still missing, such as thr Sea-Devils/Silurians and Zygons and so far we have only touched appon the many interesting characters and Regenerations of the Doctor and surly no battle field would be compleat without Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart?
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


I think I've found a site that can be even more annoying than photbucket. ;) ;D
imageshack !! Drives me round the bend with all the pop-ups.... >:(

Any chance you could put the piccies up on the forum direct V .

Looking good though !!
Cheers - Phil.


26 October 2012, 06:27:00 AM #70 Last Edit: 26 October 2012, 06:49:38 AM by Vulpine
Hi Techno,

Thanks man,

For some reason I can't. When I did my Zulu table Leon managed to mod it and they came up direct.

What I may do is ask Leon with his superior camera and model taking skills to take a picture of the finished product.

Another thing I must tell you all about is the Doctor Who book "Warmonger"  a BBC Books original novel written by Terrance Dicks. It covers Borusa's (The Time Lord President for the five doctors and other TV episodes) but I mainly got it as it covers Morbious. In the fantastic episode "the brain of Morbious" it talks of himas a Renagade Time Lord who caused a grate war, but that's the last we see of it on the TV. This book is set during the wars "The Doctor then manages to persuade a number of Draconians and Sontarans to join his (Human) army.... As the campaign grows, Ogrons, Ice Warriors and Cybermen join the Doctor's forces".

It got a poor review for two reasons. First why has Perri become such a good Gorilla fighter.... she stuck on a war torn planet for a year, that changes a personality (look at the burger waitress sarah connor.

The other complaint is the Alliance and the odd mix... In my view its fine, there ain't no good and evil, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and that's how it is.

So all in all I thought/think (I ain't quite finished the book yet) it was a really good book.
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bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Quote from: Techno on 26 October 2012, 06:16:26 AM
I think I've found a site that can be even more annoying than photbucket. ;) ;D
imageshack !! Drives me round the bend with all the pop-ups.... >:(

Any chance you could put the piccies up on the forum direct V .

I've gone through and linked the pics direct in all the posts, so they should be visible now.

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Damn good effort....especially for a first attempt V.
Did you bottle out of giving the Dalek any 'balls' in the end ? ;)
Wouldn't blame you at all if you did !
Cheers - Phil.


I wouldn't say bottle... Ok so I did, but the fact of the matter is, they would have looked worse not better.

Now, We have plans in the pipeline (see above)  for a second Dalek release, these will be recasts of the metal ones. As the metal will be an easier foundation to work on I may* try for a MK2 Dalek, that may have "balls"

However, at the moment I'm thinking about Morbious's monster, Speshial weapons Daleks (Daleks designed to kill other Daleks!)  and Sontarens! 

* I said may
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bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient