In the Grim Darkness of the far future there is only 10mm

Started by Luddite, 18 September 2012, 09:33:31 AM

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Hi chaps,

OK, i'm looking for a bit of advice here in relation to 'not GW Warhammer 40k'

I'm looking at doing these well know high street rules, but rather than dishing out £700 for a handful of plastic, i'd like to do it in the only scale that counts - 10mm.   :D

I've done my own trawling but what i'm looking for is your esteemed opinions on what in the vast Pendraken catalogue could be used (with minimal to zero remodelling) for the various armies, units, and vehicles in 'that game'.

I guess, given the limited Pendraken sci-fi range, most of the alien races are going to be tricky without some serious remodelling from their fantasy versions, but the human armies and their renegade alternatives are possible i think.

What are your opinions on what matches their canon regiments?

What historical vehicles best match the various vehicles in 40k?

(Pd codes in your replies would be useful too)


"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


Depends on which army you fancy.

Bugs could be used as non-Tyranids, Troopers and Marines can go as Imperials.

For vehicles I would stick with the Patton and M113 series. Maybe you can dig out some additional turrets in 6mm to make conversions...


SCW and WW1 tanks as they have the 'tracks over the top' look of the other lot's.

Too few illustrations on the PenD site to tell but walkers and stuff would do for Eldar.  Wouldn't it be easier just buying Epic on E-Bay?
"The time has come, the walrus said..."

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
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OK so, some parameters then?

Lets go with just the imperial Guard for now.


not-Leman Russ?
not-Sentinel walker?


not-Death Korps of Krieg?
I reckon we're looking at WWI French hwere...

What about good proxies for the heavy weapons?

not-heavy bolter?
not-missile launcher?

Special weapons?

not-plasma gun?
not-grenade launcher?

6mm is just too small and i want to do it using 10mm Pendraken stuff.   ;)

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


You could use some of the Cav or Battletech vehicles as well.. Even the clix stuff may be suitable for a few units. I know some of Dark Realm's vehicles are a bit big for 6mm..

Personally, I think the mix and match that Nik did with the WWW2.5 armies is brilliant.

You could totally do chaos with the bits and pieces from the german list.

IG is too easy.. even the Vietnam and Falklands range will work.

SM will be harder, but there are powered armor minis.. weapons would have to have a few conversions.

I'd love to see orks.. I'd buy them in a second, but they have to have wartraks and bikes.. I'll keep an eye out for something that may work

Tau could be converted easily enough from human troopers.. not sure about the kroot though, maybe something from the fantasy range?

Eldar is tough as well.

Nekrons may be possible, there are plenty of robot/droid minis around.


Quote from: Rothgar68 on 18 September 2012, 02:46:16 PM
I'd love to see orks.. I'd buy them in a second, but they have to have wartraks and bikes.. I'll keep an eye out for something that may work

Ooooo.....I'd be up for making some of those, if Leon fancies them at some stage in the future.
I wonder if some of the fantasy goblins would lend themselves to some quickish conversions....Or would they be a tad too big ? :-\
I think I've still got a handful of metal masters of those....
I'll have a look see.

Cheers - Phil.

O Dinas Powys

How about this for a mad-crazy idea: the fantasy Desert Rats as Orks!

IIRC, the general feel for Orks as a race is biker-gang with stick grenades and coal-scuttle helmets.  I've never seen any pictures of the Desert Rats, but I imagine their grenades to be sticky and their helmets to be coal-scuttley!

Throw in FR14, "Large with Ghettoblasters"; FR18, "Large with Assault Rifle" and an FD21 or two, Dwarven "Steam powered armoured car" with crew swap in the manner of Irregular Wars' Duchy of Cheddar rats (from:,4584.0.html) and you've got the basis of a force.

Quote from: irregularwars on 04 February 2012, 09:55:07 AM

More pictures, a HotT army list and a history of the duchy now up at the bolg --->



PS The only other thought I had was FU21, "skeleton with crossbow", as a vague proxy for a Necron.
(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )


Just be aware that playing skirmish games in 10mm (even over-sized skirmish games like 40K and Tomorrow's War) can get relly fiddly.  Part of the appeal (slash downside?) of 40K is the sheer number of options each and every kind of figure has.  The WYSIWYG rule is as much a means to limit paperwork and remind you of what each model has as it is an effort to sell you more in-house figures.  I've been toyin gwith the idea of varying the base colors to help aid in equipment identification, but there's such a huge variety of possible weapons for each Imperial Guard Trooper, that I just quite figure out how to design a consistent and usable method.

I've been trying to figure out how to do this myself and keep running into the stone wall that is the 40K business model.  I've got the 5th edition rulebook and can't do a damn thing with it to build a 'Nid army using my Pendraken alien figures.  I've got three sizes to work with, but have no idea what the difference is between a termagaunt and a hormagaunt.  One should be small bugs and the other really big ones, right?  But how many of each do I need, and with the 3 queens, does that give me a single HQ, or do two of them need to be an elite style figure, and which one are the elite and so on to the point that I'm ready to throw up my hands and just use FUBAR already. 

Note that I don't expect answers to all these questions, as these barely scratch the surface. Apparently I need to shell out another 30-40 bucks for an army book for each force to understand what they are and what the do.  Shame really, my son loves the game and has a nice little IG force, but I just can't quite wrap my head around how to play half a game.

Last Hussar

GW stuff often looks nic... influenced by historical, so proxies shouldn't be too hard.  Don't forget Mk IV's from WW1!

I suggest that you don't play 1 10mm = 1 fig.  KEEP the rules as written, and base 2-3 figs on a 1 inch base.  The base still counts as one figure, the extra 10mm are purely aesthetic.  Less fiddly to pick up, plus you get the look of huge battles, and I think the rules make more sense like that.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


I know that you want to play 40k, BUT why in 10mm, surely you should just bite the bullet and play it as it should be played, either NetEpic or FWC in 6mm. Just keep an eye out on Evil Bay, there are Epic bargains there, just head on over to to see how much Epic you can get for a tenner. 12,000 points worth of my next FWC army, and a load of bits and bobs left over. 6mm Sci_Fi works well as especially with GW the vehicles are way oversized anyway and on a modest 6x4 table flanking manouvers are not only possible but probable.

"may the Dice be with you, always!"


Some of the tracked heavy Soviet guns ww1/ww2 would work for Kreig Army guns. but there are plenty of 6mm Proxies out there look on this will also give proxies and some idea's for 10mm as well