Illustrations of Ottomans by or for Europeans

Started by Druzhina, 09 September 2012, 08:17:08 AM

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Ottoman Illustrations from
Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople
by Jean Brindesi, 1855

Sultan Mahmud II .  Minister of the Interior .  Grand Vizier
Janissary Aga .  Foreign Minister .  The Executor of the Laws . 
Grand Judge .  Grand Admiral .  Officer of the Admiralty
Janissary worker .  Captain .  Galleon Sailor .  Fireman
Inspector of Roads .  Sergeant of the Guard Corps Commander .  Commander of a Guard Corps
Janissary in official costume .  Battalion Chief of the first Reform of Sultan Mahmoud .  Chief of Artillery .  Battalion Chief of the Reform
Gunner - Horse Artillery .  Captain of Foot Artillery .  Gunner
Mortar Gunners
Soldier of the Reform .  Soldier (1st Reform) .  Soldier (Reform of Sultan Selim) .  Soldier (1st Reform of Sultan Mahmoud)
Chief Cook's Assistant (Officer) .  Cook's Assistants .  Water Carrier (Officer) . 
Janissary of the Guard Corps .  Pay Officer of the 25th Battalion .  Room Leader .  Sub-Officer of the Guard Corps
Officer of Order .  Lieutenant General .  Chamberlain .  Regimental Fourrier
Chasseur of the 33rd Battalion .  Senior Officer (ceremonial dress) .  Chasseur of the 33rd Battalion
Weapons Room Guard .  Colonel of the Armorers .  Guard of the Imperial Palace of Adrianople .  Courier
Soldier of Police (Patrol) .  ADC to the Lieutenant General .  Messenger of the Palace (Officer) . 
Chief of the Buffoons .  Dervish .  Buffoon of the Volunteers .  Chief of irregular cavalry
Footman of the Grand Vizier .  Usher of the Divan .  Guard of the Ambassadors
Herald .  Chief of Volunteers .  (saddler of the 64th Battalion) .  General of Artillery
Chief of the Black Eunuchs .  Dwarf .  Chief of the White Eunuchs
Page in the Palace .  Palace Dwarf .  Palace Mute (Page) . 
1st Valet of the Sultan .  Sword Bearer .  Archer bodyguard to the Sultan .  Messenger/Guard of Honour
Master of Ceremonies .  (& lower order) .  White Eunuch in the Service of the Harem .  Crier of Prayers

Generally larger images from a set of Turkish postcards made in the 1950s
Sultan Mahmut II . Kethüda Bey . Sadrazam
Yeniçeri Orta Ağası . Reis-Efendi . Şeyhülislam (Shaykh Al-Islam) . Çavuş Baş Şatırı
Kazasker (Kadi El Asker) . Kaptan Paşa . Çuhadar
Pırpırı Esnaf . Kaptan . Kalyoncu . Tulumbacı
Yol Hasekisi . Bölük Ağası Çuhadar . Bölük Ağası
Keçeli Nefer . Nizam-I Cedid Bimbaşı . Topçu Başı . Binbası
Suvari Topçu Neferi . Piyade Topçu Yüzbaşısı . Suvari Topçu Neferi
Eğri Kalpaklı . Şubara Neferi . Nizam - I Cedid Neferi . Şubara Neferi
Baş Karakolluktçu . Karakolluktçu . Orta Sakasi  .
Kolluk Neferi . Keçeli . Oda Başı . Kolluk Bayraktarı
Baş Çavuş . Kul Kethüdası (Kâhyası) . Kapıcı Başı . Orta Çavuşu
Karakullukçu . Usta . Karakullukçu
Cephane Karakullukçusu . Cephane Çorbacısı . Bostancı . Şatır
Salma Neferi . Nöbetçi . Haseki Ağa .
Soytarı Başı . Bektaşı Devesi . Soytarı . Deli Başı
Çuhadar . Divan Çavuşu . Yasakçı
Müjdeci Başı . Serdengeçti Ağası . Saraç Başı . Salı Usta . Cebeci Kâhyası (Cebeciler Kethüdası)
Kizlar Ağası . Cüce . Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa)
İç Ağaları . Cüce . Enderun Dilsizi .
Baş Çuhadar . Silahtar Ağası . Solak . Peyk
İç Oglan Çavuşları .  . Zülüflü Baltacı . Eski Saray Baltacısı . Müezzin

Illustrations by Jean Brindesi, 1855[/url]
Sultan Mahmud II .  Minister of the Interior .  Grand Vizier
Janissary Aga .  Foreign Minister .  The Executor of the Laws . 
Grand Judge .  Grand Admiral .  Officer of the Admiralty
Janissary worker .  Captain .  Galleon Sailor .  Fireman
Inspector of Roads .  Sergeant of the Guard Corps Commander .  Commander of a Guard Corps
Janissary in official costume .  Battalion Chief of the first Reform of Sultan Mahmoud .  Chief of Artillery .  Battalion Chief of the Reform
Gunner - Horse Artillery .  Captain of Foot Artillery .  Gunner
Mortar Gunners
Soldier of the Reform .  Soldier (1st Reform) .  Soldier (Reform of Sultan Selim) .  Soldier (1st Reform of Sultan Mahmoud)
Chief Cook's Assistant (Officer) .  Cook's Assistants .  Water Carrier (Officer) . 
Janissary of the Guard Corps .  Pay Officer of the 25th Battalion .  Room Leader .  Sub-Officer of the Guard Corps
Officer of Order .  Lieutenant General .  Chamberlain .  Regimental Fourrier
Chasseur of the 33rd Battalion .  Senior Officer (ceremonial dress) .  Chasseur of the 33rd Battalion
Weapons Room Guard .  Colonel of the Armorers .  Guard of the Imperial Palace of Adrianople .  Courier
Soldier of Police (Patrol) .  ADC to the Lieutenant General .  Messenger of the Palace (Officer) . 
Chief of the Buffoons .  Dervish .  Buffoon of the Volunteers .  Chief of irregular cavalry
Footman of the Grand Vizier .  Usher of the Divan .  Guard of the Ambassadors
Herald .  Chief of Volunteers .  (saddler of the 64th Battalion) .  General of Artillery
Chief of the Black Eunuchs .  Dwarf .  Chief of the White Eunuchs
Page in the Palace .  Palace Dwarf .  Palace Mute (Page) . 
1st Valet of the Sultan .  Sword Bearer .  Archer bodyguard to the Sultan .  Messenger/Guard of Honour
Master of Ceremonies .  (& lower order) .  White Eunuch in the Service of the Harem .  Crier of Prayers

Generally larger images from a set of Turkish postcards made in the 1950s
Sultan Mahmut II . Kethüda Bey . Sadrazam
Yeniçeri Orta Ağası . Reis-Efendi . Şeyhülislam (Shaykh Al-Islam) . Çavuş Baş Şatırı
Kazasker (Kadi El Asker) . Kaptan Paşa . Çuhadar
Pırpırı Esnaf . Kaptan . Kalyoncu . Tulumbacı
Yol Hasekisi . Bölük Ağası Çuhadar . Bölük Ağası
Keçeli Nefer . Nizam-I Cedid Bimbaşı . Topçu Başı . Binbası
Suvari Topçu Neferi . Piyade Topçu Yüzbaşısı . Suvari Topçu Neferi
Eğri Kalpaklı . Şubara Neferi . Nizam - I Cedid Neferi . Şubara Neferi
Baş Karakolluktçu . Karakolluktçu . Orta Sakasi  .
Kolluk Neferi . Keçeli . Oda Başı . Kolluk Bayraktarı
Baş Çavuş . Kul Kethüdası (Kâhyası) . Kapıcı Başı . Orta Çavuşu
Karakullukçu . Usta . Karakullukçu
Cephane Karakullukçusu . Cephane Çorbacısı . Bostancı . Şatır
Salma Neferi . Nöbetçi . Haseki Ağa .
Soytarı Başı . Bektaşı Devesi . Soytarı . Deli Başı
Çuhadar . Divan Çavuşu . Yasakçı
Müjdeci Başı . Serdengeçti Ağası . Saraç Başı . Salı Usta . Cebeci Kâhyası (Cebeciler Kethüdası)
Kizlar Ağası . Cüce . Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa)
İç Ağaları . Cüce . Enderun Dilsizi .
Baş Çuhadar . Silahtar Ağası . Solak . Peyk
İç Oglan Çavuşları .  . Zülüflü Baltacı . Eski Saray Baltacısı . Müezzin

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Illustrations of Ottomans by Octavien d'Alvimart, engraved F.H. Clark, in McLean's The Military Costume of Turkey, 1813

Larger Images:
Grand Vizier. . Alternative scans
Capitan Pacha. . Capitan Pacha.
Pacha. . Pacha.
Capidgi Bachi. . Capidgi Bachi.
Janizary. . Janizary.
Janizary. . Janizary.
Janizary of Arabia Felix. . Janizary of Arabia Felix.
Ladle Bearer. . Ladle Bearer.
Colonel of Janizaries. . Colonel of Janizaries.
Officer of Janizaries. . Officer of Janizaries.
Military Chief of Upper Egypt. . Military Chief of Upper Egypt.
Bey. . Bey.
Mameluke of Egypt. . Mameluke of Egypt.
Mameluke Officer. . Mameluke Officer.
Mameluke of Constantinople. . Mameluke of Constantinople.
Mameluke of Grand Seignior. . Mameluke of Grand Seignior.
Mameluke of Grand Vizier. . Mameluke of Grand Vizier.
Cavalry. . Cavalry.
Spahis. . Spahis.
Officer of Spahis. . Officer of Spahis.
Ensign Bearer of the Spahis . Ensign Bearer of the Spahis
Soldier of Turkish Artillery. . Soldier of Turkish Artillery.
Officer of Turkish Artillery. . Officer of Turkish Artillery.
Officer of European Infantry. . Officer of European Infantry.
Soldier of European Infantry. . Soldier of European Infantry.
Soldier of Albania. . Soldier of Albania.
Arnaut Soldier. . Arnaut Soldier.
Caramanian Soldier. . Caramanian Soldier.
Bostangi. . Bostangi.
Officer of Police. . Officer of Police.

Illustrations by Octavien d'Alvimart, in Miller's The Costume of Turkey, 1802
Larger Images:
A Bosniac
Bostandji Bachi
Two Janissaries in their Dress of Ceremony
The Captain Pasha
A Sailor
Reis Effendi
Private Secretary to the Grand Signior
A Member of the Divan
An Attendant on the Harem of the Grand Signior
Kislar Aga
Ich oglan: young slave trained to be a Janissary
A Dervish
Dervish in his typical costume
A Turkish Woman in her Wedding Dress
A Female Bedouin of the Desert, with her child
A Turkish Woman in Provincial Dress
A Turk in his Chall, or Shawl
A Female of the Island of Naxos

Ottomans in the Augsburger Bilder, 1802-1810
(many based on d'Alvimart's drawings)
. Ottoman Turkish Infantry
. Arab Mamalukes & Asiatic Light Infantry
. European Turkish Cavalry
. Asiatic Turkish Cavalry
. Ottoman Turkish Artillery

Illustrations of Ottomans by Octavien d'Alvimart, engraved F.H. Clark, in McLean's The Military Costume of Turkey, 1813
Grand Vizier. . Alternative scans
Capitan Pacha. . Capitan Pacha.
Pacha. . Pacha.
Capidgi Bachi. . Capidgi Bachi.
Janizary. . Janizary.
Janizary. . Janizary.
Janizary of Arabia Felix. . Janizary of Arabia Felix.
Ladle Bearer. . Ladle Bearer.
Colonel of Janizaries. . Colonel of Janizaries.
Officer of Janizaries. . Officer of Janizaries.
Military Chief of Upper Egypt. . Military Chief of Upper Egypt.
Bey. . Bey.
Mameluke of Egypt. . Mameluke of Egypt.
Mameluke Officer. . Mameluke Officer.
Mameluke of Constantinople. . Mameluke of Constantinople.
Mameluke of Grand Seignior. . Mameluke of Grand Seignior.
Mameluke of Grand Vizier. . Mameluke of Grand Vizier.
Cavalry. . Cavalry.
Spahis. . Spahis.
Officer of Spahis. . Officer of Spahis.
Ensign Bearer of the Spahis . Ensign Bearer of the Spahis
Soldier of Turkish Artillery. . Soldier of Turkish Artillery.
Officer of Turkish Artillery. . Officer of Turkish Artillery.
Officer of European Infantry. . Officer of European Infantry.
Soldier of European Infantry. . Soldier of European Infantry.
Soldier of Albania. . Soldier of Albania.
Arnaut Soldier. . Arnaut Soldier.
Caramanian Soldier. . Caramanian Soldier.
Bostangi. . Bostangi.
Officer of Police. . Officer of Police.

Illustrations by Octavien d'Alvimart, in Miller's The Costume of Turkey, 1802
A Bosniac
Bostandji Bachi
Two Janissaries in their Dress of Ceremony
The Captain Pasha
A Sailor
Reis Effendi
Private Secretary to the Grand Signior
A Member of the Divan
An Attendant on the Harem of the Grand Signior
Kislar Aga
Ich oglan: young slave trained to be a Janissary
A Dervish
Dervish in his typical costume
A Turkish Woman in her Wedding Dress
A Female Bedouin of the Desert, with her child
A Turkish Woman in Provincial Dress
A Turk in his Chall, or Shawl
A Female of the Island of Naxos

Ottomans in the Augsburger Bilder, 1802-1810
(many based on d'Alvimart's drawings)
. Ottoman Turkish Infantry
. Arab Mamalukes & Asiatic Light Infantry
. European Turkish Cavalry
. Asiatic Turkish Cavalry
. Ottoman Turkish Artillery

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If only all figures could be as simple to have a go at making, as 'A Turkish woman in her wedding dress !' ;)
Seriously.....Superb finds (as always) D.
What a truly wonderful resource this is. =D>
Cheers - Phil.


Paintings of Ottomans by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour made 1699-1737

Individual paintings:
Sultan Ahmed III by Vanmour or large painting of Sultan Ahmed III by Vanmour
The Sultana Mother or large painting of The Sultana Mother by Vanmour
Grand Vizier by Vanmour or large painting of Grand Vizier by Vanmour
Sadrazam, the Grand Vizier, in Ceremonial Dress and Turban by Vanmour or large painting of Sadrazam, the Grand Vizier, in Ceremonial Dress and Turban by Vanmour
The Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of  the Great Lord by Vanmour or large painting of The Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of  the Great Lord by Vanmour
Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs by Vanmour or large painting of Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs by Vanmour
Kapısı Başı, or Master of Ceremonies by Vanmour or large painting of Kapısı Başı, or Master of Ceremonies by Vanmour
The Kazasker (Kadi El Asker), Chief of the military laws. There is one for European and one for Asian by Vanmour or large painting of The Kazasker (Kadi El Asker), Chief of the military laws. There is one for European and one for Asian by Vanmour
Abdullah Efendi by Vanmour or large painting of Abdullah Efendi by Vanmour
Reis Efendi by Vanmour or large painting of Reis Efendi by Vanmour
Yeniçeri Orta Ağası, or commander of Janissaries by Vanmour or large painting of Yeniçeri Orta Ağası, or commander of Janissaries by Vanmour
Kul Kahyasi by Vanmour or large painting of Kul Kahyasi by Vanmour
Janissary in ceremonial dress by Vanmour or large painting of Janissary in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
The Silahtar Ağası, or sword bearer of the Great Lord by Vanmour or large painting of The Silahtar Ağası, or sword bearer of the Great Lord by Vanmour
Çavuş by Vanmour or large painting of Çavuş by Vanmour
Dervish, or Turkish monk that spins through devotion by Vanmour or large painting of Dervish, or Turkish monk that spins through devotion by Vanmour
Baş Çavuş by Vanmour or large painting of Baş Çavuş by Vanmour
Tchoadar by Vanmour or large painting of Tchoadar by Vanmour
Patmos man by Vanmour or large painting of Patmos man by Vanmour
Patmos girl by Vanmour or large painting of Patmos girl by Vanmour
Tinos man by Vanmour or large painting of Tinos man by Vanmour
Tinos lady by Vanmour or large painting of Tinos lady by Vanmour
Mykonos man by Vanmour or large painting of Mykonos man by Vanmour
Mykonos lady by Vanmour or large painting of Mykonos lady by Vanmour
Greek of the islands of the archipelago, playing the Tabour by Vanmour or large painting of Greek of the islands of the archipelago, playing the Tabour by Vanmour
Albanian herder by Vanmour or large painting of Albanian herder by Vanmour
Turkish lady by Vanmour or large painting of Turkish lady by Vanmour
Turkish girl who embroiders by Vanmour or large painting of Turkish girl who embroiders by Vanmour
Greek priest by Vanmour or large painting of Greek priest by Vanmour
Jew by Vanmour or large painting of Jew by Vanmour
Levent, or Marine by Vanmour or large painting of Levent, or Marine by Vanmour
Kythnos man by Vanmour or large painting of Kythnos man by Vanmour
Kythnos girl by Vanmour or large painting of Kythnos girl by Vanmour
Albanian Soldier, Arnaut by Vanmour or large painting of Albanian Soldier, Arnaut by Vanmour
Albanian lady by Vanmour or large painting of Albanian lady by Vanmour
Bulgarian by Vanmour or large painting of Bulgarian by Vanmour
Bulgarian girl by Vanmour or large painting of Bulgarian girl by Vanmour

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Prints after Jean-Baptiste Vanmour in Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, 1714
or in categories:
. Illustrations of Ottoman Court Officials by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Government or Religious Officials by Vanmour
. Illustrations of the Ottoman Military by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Civilians by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Balkan Inhabitants by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Asian & North African Inhabitants by Vanmour

Individual Prints:
The Great Lord in ceremonial dress for the day of Beiram by Vanmour
The Great Lord in the Seraglio, with the Kizlar Ağası by Vanmour
The Sultana Asseki or Sultana Queen by Vanmour
The Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of  the Great Lord by Vanmour
Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs by Vanmour
The Ibriktar Agasi, Officer who washes the Great Lord by Vanmour
The Silahtar Ağası, or sword bearer of the Great Lord by Vanmour
İç Oglan, Page intended to serve the Lord in the Grand Seraglio by Vanmour
Peyk, Page of the Sultan, who follows him on foot when he comes out by Vanmour
Zülüflü Baltacı - page destined to guard the imprisoned Princes by Vanmour
Bölük Başı, Executive Chef of the Great Lord by Vanmour
Ast-chi, the Great Lord's cook by Vanmour
Halvadgi or confectioner to the Serail by Vanmour
The Çavuş Baş, Chief Bailiff by Vanmour
Kapısı Başı, or Master of Ceremonies by Vanmour
Solak Başı, or Captain of the of the Guards of the Great Lord by Vanmour
Solak, Guard of the Great Lord by Vanmour
The Bostancı Başı, or the superintendent of the Gardens, in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Kasseki, Officer of bostanjis by Vanmour
The Mufti, or chief of the Law by Vanmour
The Kazasker (Kadi El Asker), Chief of the military laws. There is one for European and one for Asian by Vanmour
Emir, man of Law of Muhammad's Race by Vanmour
Imam, Minister of a Mosque by Vanmour
Effendi, Man of law in his Study by Vanmour
Dervish, or Turkish monk that spins through devotion by Vanmour
Saka, Charitable Dervish who brings water for the city and gives charity by Vanmour
Sadrazam, the Grand Vizier, in Ceremonial Dress and Turban by Vanmour
Şatırı, or Grand Vizier's Footman by Vanmour
Yeniçeri Orta Ağası, or commander of Janissaries by Vanmour
Çorbaçı, colonel of the Janissaries by Vanmour
Ast-chi-Bashi, Cook and Officer of the Janissaries by Vanmour
Janissary in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Jannissary in ordinary turban by Vanmour
Sipahi or Turkish Cavalryman by Vanmour
Serdengeçti or Volunteer by Vanmour
The Kaptan Başı, or Grand Admiral in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Bey, Galley Captain by Vanmour
Levent, or Marine by Vanmour
Aga, or Turkish gentleman by Vanmour
Tchelebi, young Turkish lord by Vanmour
Turk in winter dress by Vanmour
Turk praying by Vanmour
Turkish lover who cuts his arm in front of his mistress to show his love by Vanmour
Turkish child being lead to circumcision by Vanmour
Turkish woman who smokes on the sofa by Vanmour
Turkish woman resting on the sofa after her bath by Vanmour
Turkish woman spinning on a tandour by Vanmour
Turkish girl taking coffee on the sofa by Vanmour
Turkish girl whose hair is braided at the bath by Vanmour
Turkish girl playing the canon by Vanmour
Turkish girl playing a Tchegour by Vanmour
Turkish girl who embroiders by Vanmour
Turkish girls who plays a mangala by Vanmour
Tchinguis, or Turkish dancer by Vanmour
Tchingui, Turkish dancer by Vanmour
Coffee seller in the streets by Vanmour
Halvadgi, seller of jams in the streets by Vanmour
Itinerant barber by Vanmour
Saka, or water carrier in the streets by Vanmour
Ciğerci, Albanian who carries livers of sheep to feed the cats at Bezestein by Vanmour
French merchant by Vanmour
Wife of a Frenchman, going to bathe by Vanmour
Jew by Vanmour
Jewish woman in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Jewish woman, a broker bringing her goods to young Turkish women who can not get out by Vanmour
The patriarch of the Greeks by Vanmour
Greek priest by Vanmour
Greek woman in her apartment by Vanmour
Novi, or greek girl in a wedding ceremony by Vanmour
Greek of the islands of the archipelago, playing the Tabour by Vanmour
Girl from Naxos, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl from Tinos, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl of Argentiere, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl of Chios, an island in the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl of St. John of Patmos, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Hungarian by Vanmour
Hungarian female by Vanmour
Albanian Soldier, Arnaut by Vanmour
Princess of Wallachia by Vanmour
Wallachian nobleman by Vanmour
Wallachian lady by Vanmour
Bulgarian by Vanmour
Bulgarian girl by Vanmour
Crimean Tatar by Vanmour
Dergoumidas, Armenian priest condemned by the Grand Vizier Ali Pasha, martyred 5th November 1707 by Vanmour
An Armenian who goes to church to get married, accompanied by a companion bringing his sword by Vanmour
Armenian girl, who is conducted to the church to marry by Vanmour
Armenian architect by Vanmour
Armenian of Persia by Vanmour
Persian by Vanmour
Female Persian by Vanmour
Dervish of India by Vanmour
Indian by Vanmour
Arab of the Desert by Vanmour
Clothing of the Barbary Coast by Vanmour
Tunisian in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Tunisian in Negligee by Vanmour
African woman going outdoors by Vanmour
Moorish Woman by Vanmour
Turkish wedding by Vanmour
Turkish Burial by Vanmour
The dervishes of Pera in their Temple, whirling by Vanmour

Prints from Der Kern Turkischer Geschichte (The core of Turkish history), 1739. Many are based on Vanmour or Luyken (see above).
Ottoman Illustrations from Herrn Baron von Tott's Nachrichten von den Türken und Tataren, Volumes 1 & 2, 1787.  Based on Vanmour.

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Paintings of Ottomans by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour made 1699-1737

Paintings by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour made 1699-1737
Sultan Ahmed III by Vanmour or large painting of Sultan Ahmed III by Vanmour
The Sultana Mother or large painting of The Sultana Mother by Vanmour
Grand Vizier by Vanmour or large painting of Grand Vizier by Vanmour
Sadrazam, the Grand Vizier, in Ceremonial Dress and Turban by Vanmour or large painting of Sadrazam, the Grand Vizier, in Ceremonial Dress and Turban by Vanmour
The Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of  the Great Lord by Vanmour or large painting of The Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of  the Great Lord by Vanmour
Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs by Vanmour or large painting of Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs by Vanmour
Kapısı Başı, or Master of Ceremonies by Vanmour or large painting of Kapısı Başı, or Master of Ceremonies by Vanmour
The Kazasker (Kadi El Asker), Chief of the military laws. There is one for European and one for Asian by Vanmour or large painting of The Kazasker (Kadi El Asker), Chief of the military laws. There is one for European and one for Asian by Vanmour
Abdullah Efendi by Vanmour or large painting of Abdullah Efendi by Vanmour
Reis Efendi by Vanmour or large painting of Reis Efendi by Vanmour
Yeniçeri Orta Ağası, or commander of Janissaries by Vanmour or large painting of Yeniçeri Orta Ağası, or commander of Janissaries by Vanmour
Kul Kahyasi by Vanmour or large painting of Kul Kahyasi by Vanmour
Janissary in ceremonial dress by Vanmour or large painting of Janissary in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
The Silahtar Ağası, or sword bearer of the Great Lord by Vanmour or large painting of The Silahtar Ağası, or sword bearer of the Great Lord by Vanmour
Çavuş by Vanmour or large painting of Çavuş by Vanmour
Dervish, or Turkish monk that spins through devotion by Vanmour or large painting of Dervish, or Turkish monk that spins through devotion by Vanmour
Baş Çavuş by Vanmour or large painting of Baş Çavuş by Vanmour
Tchoadar by Vanmour or large painting of Tchoadar by Vanmour
Patmos man by Vanmour or large painting of Patmos man by Vanmour
Patmos girl by Vanmour or large painting of Patmos girl by Vanmour
Tinos man by Vanmour or large painting of Tinos man by Vanmour
Tinos lady by Vanmour or large painting of Tinos lady by Vanmour
Mykonos man by Vanmour or large painting of Mykonos man by Vanmour
Mykonos lady by Vanmour or large painting of Mykonos lady by Vanmour
Greek of the islands of the archipelago, playing the Tabour by Vanmour or large painting of Greek of the islands of the archipelago, playing the Tabour by Vanmour
Albanian herder by Vanmour or large painting of Albanian herder by Vanmour
Turkish lady by Vanmour or large painting of Turkish lady by Vanmour
Turkish girl who embroiders by Vanmour or large painting of Turkish girl who embroiders by Vanmour
Greek priest by Vanmour or large painting of Greek priest by Vanmour
Jew by Vanmour or large painting of Jew by Vanmour
Levent, or Marine by Vanmour or large painting of Levent, or Marine by Vanmour
Kythnos man by Vanmour or large painting of Kythnos man by Vanmour
Kythnos girl by Vanmour or large painting of Kythnos girl by Vanmour
Albanian Soldier, Arnaut by Vanmour or large painting of Albanian Soldier, Arnaut by Vanmour
Albanian lady by Vanmour or large painting of Albanian lady by Vanmour
Bulgarian by Vanmour or large painting of Bulgarian by Vanmour
Bulgarian girl by Vanmour or large painting of Bulgarian girl by Vanmour

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Prints after Jean-Baptiste Vanmour in Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, 1714
or in categories:
. Illustrations of Ottoman Court Officials by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Government or Religious Officials by Vanmour
. Illustrations of the Ottoman Military by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Civilians by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Balkan Inhabitants by Vanmour
. Illustrations of Ottoman Asian & North African Inhabitants by Vanmour
The Great Lord in ceremonial dress for the day of Beiram by Vanmour
The Great Lord in the Seraglio, with the Kizlar Ağası by Vanmour
The Sultana Asseki or Sultana Queen by Vanmour
The Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of  the Great Lord by Vanmour
Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs by Vanmour
The Ibriktar Agasi, Officer who washes the Great Lord by Vanmour
The Silahtar Ağası, or sword bearer of the Great Lord by Vanmour
İç Oglan, Page intended to serve the Lord in the Grand Seraglio by Vanmour
Peyk, Page of the Sultan, who follows him on foot when he comes out by Vanmour
Zülüflü Baltacı - page destined to guard the imprisoned Princes by Vanmour
Bölük Başı, Executive Chef of the Great Lord by Vanmour
Ast-chi, the Great Lord's cook by Vanmour
Halvadgi or confectioner to the Serail by Vanmour
The Çavuş Baş, Chief Bailiff by Vanmour
Kapısı Başı, or Master of Ceremonies by Vanmour
Solak Başı, or Captain of the of the Guards of the Great Lord by Vanmour
Solak, Guard of the Great Lord by Vanmour
The Bostancı Başı, or the superintendent of the Gardens, in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Kasseki, Officer of bostanjis by Vanmour
The Mufti, or chief of the Law by Vanmour
The Kazasker (Kadi El Asker), Chief of the military laws. There is one for European and one for Asian by Vanmour
Emir, man of Law of Muhammad's Race by Vanmour
Imam, Minister of a Mosque by Vanmour
Effendi, Man of law in his Study by Vanmour
Dervish, or Turkish monk that spins through devotion by Vanmour
Saka, Charitable Dervish who brings water for the city and gives charity by Vanmour
Sadrazam, the Grand Vizier, in Ceremonial Dress and Turban by Vanmour
Şatırı, or Grand Vizier's Footman by Vanmour
Yeniçeri Orta Ağası, or commander of Janissaries by Vanmour
Çorbaçı, colonel of the Janissaries by Vanmour
Ast-chi-Bashi, Cook and Officer of the Janissaries by Vanmour
Janissary in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Jannissary in ordinary turban by Vanmour
Sipahi or Turkish Cavalryman by Vanmour
Serdengeçti or Volunteer by Vanmour
The Kaptan Başı, or Grand Admiral in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Bey, Galley Captain by Vanmour
Levent, or Marine by Vanmour
Aga, or Turkish gentleman by Vanmour
Tchelebi, young Turkish lord by Vanmour
Turk in winter dress by Vanmour
Turk praying by Vanmour
Turkish lover who cuts his arm in front of his mistress to show his love by Vanmour
Turkish child being lead to circumcision by Vanmour
Turkish woman who smokes on the sofa by Vanmour
Turkish woman resting on the sofa after her bath by Vanmour
Turkish woman spinning on a tandour by Vanmour
Turkish girl taking coffee on the sofa by Vanmour
Turkish girl whose hair is braided at the bath by Vanmour
Turkish girl playing the canon by Vanmour
Turkish girl playing a Tchegour by Vanmour
Turkish girl who embroiders by Vanmour
Turkish girls who plays a mangala by Vanmour
Tchinguis, or Turkish dancer by Vanmour
Tchingui, Turkish dancer by Vanmour
Coffee seller in the streets by Vanmour
Halvadgi, seller of jams in the streets by Vanmour
Itinerant barber by Vanmour
Saka, or water carrier in the streets by Vanmour
Ciğerci, Albanian who carries livers of sheep to feed the cats at Bezestein by Vanmour
French merchant by Vanmour
Wife of a Frenchman, going to bathe by Vanmour
Jew by Vanmour
Jewish woman in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Jewish woman, a broker bringing her goods to young Turkish women who can not get out by Vanmour
The patriarch of the Greeks by Vanmour
Greek priest by Vanmour
Greek woman in her apartment by Vanmour
Novi, or greek girl in a wedding ceremony by Vanmour
Greek of the islands of the archipelago, playing the Tabour by Vanmour
Girl from Naxos, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl from Tinos, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl of Argentiere, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl of Chios, an island in the archipelago by Vanmour
Girl of St. John of Patmos, an island of the archipelago by Vanmour
Hungarian by Vanmour
Hungarian female by Vanmour
Albanian Soldier, Arnaut by Vanmour
Princess of Wallachia by Vanmour
Wallachian nobleman by Vanmour
Wallachian lady by Vanmour
Bulgarian by Vanmour
Bulgarian girl by Vanmour
Crimean Tatar by Vanmour
Dergoumidas, Armenian priest condemned by the Grand Vizier Ali Pasha, martyred 5th November 1707 by Vanmour
An Armenian who goes to church to get married, accompanied by a companion bringing his sword by Vanmour
Armenian girl, who is conducted to the church to marry by Vanmour
Armenian architect by Vanmour
Armenian of Persia by Vanmour
Persian by Vanmour
Female Persian by Vanmour
Dervish of India by Vanmour
Indian by Vanmour
Arab of the Desert by Vanmour
Clothing of the Barbary Coast by Vanmour
Tunisian in ceremonial dress by Vanmour
Tunisian in Negligee by Vanmour
African woman going outdoors by Vanmour
Moorish Woman by Vanmour
Turkish wedding by Vanmour
Turkish Burial by Vanmour
The dervishes of Pera in their Temple, whirling by Vanmour

Prints from Der Kern Turkischer Geschichte (The core of Turkish history), 1739. Many are based on Vanmour or Luyken (see above).
Ottoman Illustrations from Herrn Baron von Tott's Nachrichten von den Türken und Tataren, Volumes 1 & 2, 1787.  Based on Vanmour.

sites of wargaming interest


Pants !
I was really enjoying those !...
This Vanmour chap is a rather good and prolific artist.
The site now seems to think it's under attack....and won't display.
I'll try again later.
Cheers - Phil.


Quote from: Techno on 24 October 2012, 05:57:16 AM
Pants !
I was really enjoying those !...
This Vanmour chap is a rather good and prolific artist.
The site now seems to think it's under attack....and won't display.
I'll try again later.
Cheers - Phil.

Try the miirror site, the main site has used its monthly bandwidth, the miirror site has a daily hit limit. (They are both free sites).

sites of wargaming interest