Spanish Civil War: Guardia Civil

Started by nikharwood, 29 March 2010, 11:55:46 AM

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I'm in the process of painting some of the lovely new SCW range for Dave to display at shows etc: first up, Guardia Civil: [WIP pics are a bit 'off' with the colour - the light is funny today & painting on an old blue cutting mat probably didn't help my camera either!]

My standard approach: prep, base, texture, black undercoat, paint bases:

Basecoat colours:

First highlights:

'Magic Wash'


Finish basing:

Finished - before matt-varnish:

Steve J

Coolio ;D! The blue cutting mat doesn't help, but the final photos are really nice. Another list to try and look at in detail with regard to future purchases.


Looks very good.   Do you normally paint your figures while on the final bases rather than painting sticks?

I have been thinking of doing something in the 20th century.  The SCW is tempting.   Are  there any good websources on SCW uniform colors and details?


29 March 2010, 01:29:23 PM #3 Last Edit: 29 March 2010, 01:46:00 PM by nikharwood
I do always base my figures & then paint - saves me a load of time & avoids getting my nice infantry *too* muddy as I paint the bases first.

SCW websources - there are some - best bet for colours etc is to look at the manufacturers doing SCW in 20/28mm & their galleries; this is a great site though:

Painting guides linked from here:


Thanks Nick.  I did a short internet search for SCW a few weeks back without success.  Manufacturers makes sense.

Steve J

Thanks for the Anglian minis link Nik, very nice stuff.


Great figures and paint. Very funny for me, I live in Spain and the Guardia civil (called in slang los picoletos) still wear this uniform (the plastic bicorn headgear) and they look to the inter urban roads, so the real dudes can give you a ticket! It is funny to see them cast in 10mm and painted.

great work keep showing pics!


Thanks - and I've had a couple of run-ins with these guys in real life too  ;)

For other SCW pics - have a look here:

Sean Clark

Very nice. Lovely subject well suited to 10mm. The castings look superb.
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