10mm Thirty Years War flags?

Started by Sigur, 29 July 2012, 07:56:25 PM

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I'm looking for 10mm TYW flags OR printable flags online. Pendraken sadly don't have any and the only ones I found to buy online were 28mm in scale. I got the ones from the Grimsby Wargaming Group and those are very useful ones, especially for Saxons. At this point I'm mostly thinking of making the flags myself or printing templates or something like that I can scale down. Just asking before I sit down and draw little squares and swallow-tail flags onto a sheet of paper to scan and print a few times. ;)


Hi Sigurd,

Try Maverick Models, they not only have a decent range, they are also willing to make new flags to your direction.

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This is amazing. No idea why I didn't find the site earlier but it's really good. Thanks very much.



Sorry for adding the "d" in my last post, it is the irritating auto correction software I have to put up with.  Another source you might consider is Battle-Flag, whose site seems to be temporarily down at present. They have a lot of TYW and ECW flags, and were willing to size them for me to fit the flagstaffs on my 10-12mm figures. I was really pleased with the results.

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Actually, Mollinary, re-sizing illustrations is a piece of cake, so long as they're in JPG or GIF format. You can do it in any drawing package or even Word, just by importing them and dragging them with the mouse.
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Thanks Molinary (no worries about the "-d" ;) ), I think I should be good with Maverick Models for now. Did you get flags from them before? If so - would you suggest getting the "effect" ones or the plain ones. And what the heck is "material"? Kinda like a thick, plastick-like fabric?

@Hertsblue: Not to intrude but I think that you buy ready-made sheets from Battle Flags so no computers involved. But of course you could get pictures of flags off the interweb and resize of course.



      I have purchased flags from Maverick, and tend to go for the effect ones, but it is all personal taste. Not tried the fabric ones.  You are right about the Battleflag sheets, they simply resized them for me so they were an exact fit.

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Ah, that's nice service of them. I think I'll go for paper flags as well - the "material" could look a bit too rough and out of scale. Are the paper ones made of some kind of super-sturdy paper?

Also, did you start with the 15mm ones and then have them scaled down? I'm a bit confused about the scales they list on their website. By the looks of it the mm scales they list are referring to the general size of the flags rather than the scale of the models, right? Did you have them shrink the 15mm ones by 20% then? Do you happen to have pictures of your models with the flags? :) Because I was thinking of maybe going with larger flags just so they look more impressive on the table.


Hi Sigur,

As the blurb says on the home page at Maverick, he will resize to whatever size you want.  Quote him the height you want on the staff, and whichever of his scales is closest, and he will do the rest.  Yes, the paper is sturdy, and when I ordered there was the option of self adhesive paper.  I ordered the ordinary quality paper as it was more forgiving of my all thumbs sliding approach to matching up the two sides of the flag!  On size,  I personally would strongly support going for bigger than scale for this period. The flags were big anyway, and I think they should look it.  You might even want to try the 15mm ones straight.   Mine are between 15mm and 18mm square.  Sorry I have no photos, but I might be shot if I did, as all my 10-12mm infantry are AIM/Minifigs!!!!  But a lot of my cavalry are the TYW figures in burgonet and pistol, and the Harquebusier, from Pendraken. 


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