Pro's & Con's of 2-day wargames shows?

Started by Leon, 23 May 2012, 02:50:58 PM

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Prefer 1 day, as usually bored to death after circuit of venue, unless i get talking to friendly staff members, i think a lot of wargame demos or participation games the main players are very stuck up unless you seem to ask right questions (i.e im new to this can you give me some info. is not a good question). i was at Wartorn 2days in Scarborough last month and even Warlord (who were showing off new rules & supposedly giving pdfs/printouts of basic rules but didnt) couldnt be arsed with the public (played their own game). not like the fantastic guys who were at the Birthday party

in resort towns/big cities you pay a lot for parking & hotels so value wise its off limits to me, unless i have friends/relatives close by.