Sculpt question for Clib.

Started by Minenfeld, 12 July 2012, 11:04:01 PM

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I've nearly finished painting up my AWI British light infantry command, AWB26. On the back of the hornist figure, is there is some sort of wide strap, right next to the horn ?

Cheers. :-\


Quote from: Minenfeld on 12 July 2012, 11:04:01 PM
I've nearly finished painting up my AWI British light infantry command, AWB26. On the back of the hornist figure, is there is some sort of wide strap, right next to the horn ?

Cheers. :-\
---------------------- Sorry Clib, it's me being a bit thick. It's the tube of the horn !


I was a bit confused by both the question and the answer, but then realised what you meant. Yes its the tube of the horn as the tube is bent in a circle like so


 I see now Clib. I must admit, I was struggling to describe what I meant. I now realise it was the part of the horn tube which side by side. Sorry for the confusion. I just finished a run of night shifts, so that my excuse. :-[