AWI pack composition.

Started by Minenfeld, 10 July 2012, 10:01:29 PM

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Hi Folks,

Do the AWB40 Cutdown coat / Round hat command, standi... and AWB41 Cutdown coat / Round hat command, chargi...  packs include a hornist ?

Cheers.  :D


Not to my knowledge, I think they have drummers.


Thanks for letting me know Clib. Ta.


No problem, I assume you need them for your light bobs. I will be doing some, but given that the cavalry are next up in the queue it might be a while.

goat major

Quote from: clibinarium on 11 July 2012, 01:53:09 PM....the cavalry are next up in the queue .....

is this breaking news ?  ;)
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Quote from: clibinarium on 11 July 2012, 01:53:09 PM
No problem, I assume you need them for your light bobs. I will be doing some, but given that the cavalry are next up in the queue it might be a while.
------------------------ To be honest, I have a Pendraken AWI lead mountain to paint up, before I get near any late war light bobs. Glad to hear of more AWI in the pipeline. Great work Clib  :)