
Started by nikharwood, 06 July 2012, 08:51:47 PM

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goat major

Really sorry to hear this Nik - I hope it all works out for you. Was really hoping to meet you as well - hope we get the chance some time again soon

My blog:
My twitting:

2014 Painting Competition - Winner!

republic of tolworth

Been there, still living it :-[

Wise decision though  ;)

Hope it improves soon.
League of the dayglow Aztec Empire.


Thanks all - your comments are appreciated; it'll be 'interesting' to see how this one plays out - I've already got a number of other irons in various fires (I do a fair amount of independent work as well as my day-job) and I'm actively progressing a few discussions at the moment; in terms of the day-job, it'll *probably* be ok but this is the second time my tier of management has been targeted - and the numbers of reductions are potentially scary.

I'm just being sensible. For a change.  8-}

Anyway - hope you all have a superb time - and don't forget the pics. We like pics.  8)


SOrry to hear the news Nik, hope it all pans out for the best.
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Sorry Nik, I've heard there's going to be a press ban for the event. No cameras within a mile of the venue. That way Dave and Leon can sell the pics off to Hello / Battlegames for millions of quid.  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Fingers crossed for you Nik; I am sure it will all turn out for the best!
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!