AWI game for the Birthday Bash by GavinP and Goat Major

Started by goat major, 01 July 2012, 03:20:18 PM

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goat major

Having previously been billed as staging an "AWI thingy" we thought it might be worth clarifying what the our AWI game will actually involve..

We will be running a participation game of Freeman's Farm (1st Saratoga) using Black Powder rules. The scenario is the one that features in the rulebook. If anyone wants to join in then you will be most welcome. The rules are very easy to pick up (and I suspect a few of you will know them better than us anyway!)

Gavin and I will be playing the game at least once, perhaps twice, over the course of the day. The scenario allows for up to 6 players, each commanding a brigade. The brigades vary in size from 2 - 7 units. There will be plenty of opportunity for anyone to join in and command a brigade for as long as takes your fancy - from a single turn to the whole game. It doesn't matter if you arrive half way through - you can pick up a brigade command at any stage (though we can't guarantee that its health or tactical positioning will be to your satisfaction....!)

Looking forward to seeing you all on the day....
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Excellent, I'll be sending Dave over to partake in a least a couple of turns!

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thanks for running the game and helping us get a better understanding of Black Powder

always nice to help put those rebels in their place too !! 

game rattled along,  helped by good cmd rolls by the Loyal subjects of the King and plenty of 6s in the combat !!!

lovely set of figures (and range).  Some suitably fierce and lurking indians would round it off,  as opposed to the Jaeger pretending, rather well on the bloody thirsty front


goat major

hi John - thanks for joining us - it was good fun - despite me ending up buried in enemy 6s :)
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