Leopold von Edelsheim 1866

Started by mollinary, 29 June 2012, 08:39:07 PM

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Duncan Rogers (Helion) doesn't know either  :o
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


On my own quotation from the Austrian History, I'll hazard the first effort at capturing it's gist.

The Brigade Wallis also deployed forward, and the three regiments together deployed on the hill between Lunacek and Zames and prepared to defend the front line in anticipation of the arrival of the Saxons.   Several companies dismounted, formed up on foot, and bravely defended themselves against the attacking swarms of Skirmishers. They could not hold their positions long, and when attacked by strong forces of the enemy, they retired about  6 o'clock on the horseholders of the first and third squadrons of the Liechtenstein Hussars, and then retreated.

Not exactly a literal translation, can anyone offer a more exact version?

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The Wallis Brigade also advanced a little - and all three cavalry regiments, expecting that the troops from Saxony will arrive soon, prepared to defend the position in the first line of defence. Several troops dismounted, advanced on foot and occupied the hill between Lunacek and Zames, but despite great courage, and even while supported by attacking 'Swarms' could not hold their position for long; when at about 6 o'clock larger enemy formations advanced, the Brigades had to withdraw their skirmishers under the protection of an attack by the units of the 1st and 3rd Squadron of the Liechtenstein regiment of Hussars that had remained mounted.

Sometimes it helps to sit in the middle.  :D
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.



Very, very helpful, in particular the piece regarding withdrawing under cover of a charge by the remaining mounted squadrons. I should have worked that out if I was better at this, and had read it more carefully!   

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Work harder Mollinary, then you can translate all those primary sources, then you can fulfil your destiny ... write the book, THE book, you can't escape it, its written in your stars.
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


Well I work harder, but it just seems to require harder work!    At present I have recruited a friendly Bavarian Colonel to produce me a detailed translation to back up the one Olden BUA kindly provided - and I have begun painting the dismounted hussars for my next games.  But they WILL be equipped with Extra Corps Gewehrs, a muzzle loading carbine, and they will be - PANTS  :d  :d   :d !

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27 July 2012, 08:27:05 PM #36 Last Edit: 27 July 2012, 08:35:37 PM by cameronian
Curses, well mine have Werndls so watch out  :> My Czech interpreter friend/client is making a start on the Svib booklet, I'm really keen to understand the text surrounding that extraordinary map of the forest showing it 2/3 cleared, I'll circulate the translation to all interested parties when its complete then its on to the rocket pamphlet we picked up at Chlum. I plan to republish it in an English version which I'll send over for the museum shop. If she's still game (and skint!) I might just get a copy of that Czech history we saw at Chlum and start her on that.

Still nothing from Grof though La Belle Helena is on the trail, watch this space.

The further I delve, the more I realise how thinly the military aspects of this war are covered, the definitive history in the English language still hasn't been written y'know.
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


Hi, Cam,

I am currently involved in the unfamiliar experience (for the last three or four years) of painting my own figures!  In this case,  the bleeping dismounted Austrians. On the basis of the passage in OK I am giving the Dragoons dismounted figures as well as the four hussar regiments.  The Dragoons don't invite too close inspection (Pendraken don't make them, so they are heavily disguised Wargames South Bavarian Jaegers), but at least they are green.  To paint the hussars I looked up the painting guide on the North Star site. As you will know, their figures started life as Helion, as did their painting guides.  What do you think I came across (belatedly) from the sainted Duncan?  The hussars got Extra Corps Gewehr (not carbines) to give them more firepower.  Another devotee of OK over MB PhD!?  :D

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Sorry still not convinced  :> mine will have Werndls.
Got a nice email from Grof today, basically he's snowed under with work but will reconsider in a year. Still waiting for the Svib translation, perhaps another month.
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


... and then the thought struck me, ploughing through various histories of the SYW, could Bennighof have mistaken, or read a mistaken reference, confusing Liechtenstein - who dipped into his private fortune liberally to fund the modernisation of the Austrian artillery (Duffy - various) with Edelsheim ?
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


Quote from: cameronian on 03 March 2017, 08:22:10 AM
... and then the thought struck me, ploughing through various histories of the SYW, could Bennighof have mistaken, or read a mistaken reference, confusing Liechtenstein - who dipped into his private fortune liberally to fund the modernisation of the Austrian artillery (Duffy - various) with Edelsheim ?

What a charitable thought!  
2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


I know, tenuous, but otherwise where on earth did it come from ? The American translator has read pretty much everything that has been published and he can't find any reference to it. Interestingly he can't find any reference to Poschacher's jaegers being passed loaded muskets at Jicin either, the only mention (several though possibly emanating from a single observation) is of a 'tiered defence'.
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


This is indeed a very interesting thread. Makes me want to go revisit all my papers under work to make sure I make no bold claims :p