BKCII artillery

Started by Dave Fairlamb, 10 June 2012, 11:03:08 AM

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Dave Fairlamb

Dear Pendraken forum readers,

Me and a good few of the Gamers at Section 8 have discovered a novel new way of using off table artillery.

We have noticed that in BKCII the rules for artillery were mental and units that were unfortunate enough to be caught by concentrated artillery were wiped of the table.

So we have developed a new system using a Games Workshop (boo hisss) template [the four leaf clover of death] this is basically x5 5" templates fused together to make a "clover shape" each templates is numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-6 as the centre.
Roll artillery deviation as normal to determine the hit point, the place the new template over the target area. Roll 1 D6 per artillery unit shooting at this target. and then resolve all of the artillery damage on the appropriate units. E.g. if you fired 3 guns and rolled: 1 4 4 then any units under the 4 part of the template would take 2 artillery units worth of shooting and any enemy units under number 1 template would only take 1 units attacks.

this sounds more complicated than it is, but we have found its a good way to make artillery a little less brutal but still keep it deadly enough to cause major damage.

Let me know what you think
