ACW - Battle for Clarkstown

Started by nikharwood, 13 August 2012, 07:14:30 PM

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Solo scrap - the Battle for Clarkstown (fictional) sees Confederate lines trying to hold the advancing Union army as it advances towards Alexandra, LA.

(I didn't take any detailed notes for this one - so more of a pictorial narrative...some of the photos are taken by Isaac, aged 6 - he's quite good at this! Oh - and there are OG figures in these armies. I know, I know... :-[ )

From the Rebel lines:

From the Union lines:

Fought almost to a standstill this one - nothing particularly decisive happening - Isaac wanted to increase the firepower...



Will there be an ACW game at Nikfest ? :-*


Superb as always Nik, thankfully I can resist the lure of ACW in 10mm as I have my stuff already done in 15mm.


Quote from: Techno on 13 August 2012, 07:22:23 PM
Will there be an ACW game at Nikfest ? :-*

Will definitely be - if you bring one with you Phil  ;)

I'm not sure...I can't decide what I want to play...if it's like previous events, I'll end up talking to everyone and drinking beer...and occasionally lobbing dice in their games, rather than my own...photographic evidence:


Quote from: GordonY on 13 August 2012, 07:53:43 PM
Superb as always Nik, thankfully I can resist the lure of ACW in 10mm as I have my stuff already done in 15mm.

What kind of excuse is that Gordon? I've done ACW in 10mm, 2mm & 28mm  ;) :D


Lovely stuff Nick,  particularly the dismounted cavalry.   Also like the big artillery diorama style bases. What is the story behind them? Are they scenario specific?  Oh, and about the flags. ............... only kidding - great job!!!!!   

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Quote from: mollinary on 13 August 2012, 08:20:14 PM
Also like the big artillery diorama style bases. What is the story behind them? Are they scenario specific?

They're just some bases I put together a while ago - story is a bit more convoluted though: Pete asked me to put together some forces for the release of Blitzkrieg Commander II so as well as lending him my Pendraken D-Day US Airborne, & DAK stuff for pics I decided to put together forces for the SCW - and this was before the lovely SCW ranges from Pendraken - so they were made up of all kinds of proxied codes from across the ranges [pics are here: and here: ] - I've got the codes listed somewhere...

To go with them I also painted up some of Pete's Timecast Spanish buildings as well as some others that I had from The Square - and while I was doing these I found some of the really useful Pendraken barricades along with some tree trunks from The Square so decided to make some impromptu field defences - which is what you see here - they've (so far) seen action from the ECW to modern-day Afghanistan  :D

The buildings & Nationalists are on p5 of BKC II; D-Day paras are on p27; DAK are p29; SCW and these barricades are on pp32-3  8)

Told you it was a long story, didn't I?  ;D


That is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put - Winston Churchill


Cool batrep as usual! Just wondering why you have an M16 handy to the computer? I didn't think it was *that* rough on Dunster.....


And is that a Chelsea shirt the lad's wearing? Glad to see you're bringing him up in the true religion.  8)
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Hi there Nik as always absolutely fantastic

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Quote from: Kiwidave on 14 August 2012, 07:21:16 AM
Cool batrep as usual! Just wondering why you have an M16 handy to the computer? I didn't think it was *that* rough on Dunster.....

Well, technically it's in the games room...doesn't everyone bring an M16A4 to the table anymore? Maybe you've all moved to the M4A1 instead?  ;)

Quote from: Hertsblue on 14 August 2012, 08:37:36 AM
And is that a Chelsea shirt the lad's wearing? Glad to see you're bringing him up in the true religion.  8)

Too right Ray, too right. He's got 3 of 'em, all inherited from his sisters. Blue is most definitely the colour in this family.  8) :) 8)


Splendid !

and congrats to Isaac "Brady" !  ;)