WW1 Headgear query

Started by old smokie, 13 May 2012, 04:28:34 PM

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old smokie

can anyone tell me what head gear the following codes are wearing

BP16    Indian lancers
BP17    Indian infantry
BP18    Indian Lewis gunners
BP19  Indian Vickers MkI MG

they are in the WW1 British range are they wearing turbans, helmets etc

any help appreciated  :D


My guess is that there most likely wearing turbans, :-\


Those Indian regiments that didn't wear the pugri (turban) would wear the standard British helmet.
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I believe they are in turbans, but that's based on a dark and turgid corner of my memory having seen a blurriy image online. 

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They're all in the Western Front uniform and turban.

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old smokie