Homemade decals - first attempt

Started by peterdong, 06 May 2012, 05:47:22 PM

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I've lately been trying to print decals myself, only to fail.

Sooo, I got myself this beginner's decal set thing, with paper, and a ink bonder. The sad thing thing is that since my printer costed less than 5 grand, it doesn't print in white.  :( So I used MS Paint, then MS word, and started designing my decals (yes, cheap I know). And as a result, the only thing I could do is try to print the green around the numbers and stuff (minding that the green on the computer matched the green on the tanks). Which it didn't. So I printed them out, applied the decals, and then painted AROUND the white writing in order to blend it.  :( Here are the results. The pictures were taken on a 2'x2' diorama.
7th tank corps
124th tank brigade
15th guards mechanized brigade (no numbers yet)
Moar pics: http://s1060.photobucket.com/albums/t451/peterdong/Homemade%20decals/?action=view&current=P1000918.jpg#!oZZ1QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1060.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Ft451%2Fpeterdong%2FHomemade%2520decals%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DP1000918.jpg
Armor side profiles: http://wio.ru/tank/oz/9tk11tk-en.htm
Tactical insignias: http://wio.ru/tank/oz/oz-en.htm
I will stand, or I will fall. But I will not sit.



 :D for your fist try those are some nice looking decals on those t-34s

Steve J

They look good to me. Thanks for the links btw as the site looks full of very useful stuff.


Well impressed here !
Cheers -Phil.


That's very impressive. I've always wondered how to get around the "printing in white" problem and you seem to have found a very workable solution, well done.



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