Saxon Gun Teams

Started by Hertsblue, 30 April 2012, 08:45:25 AM

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Still casting about for gun teams for my 1866 Saxon forces. I was wondering if the Bavarian teams would do? The Bavarians seem to have worn the same style of peaked cap in 1866. However, the Austrian teams I bought recently aren't ridden (the horses are harnessed but there's no-one in the saddles) which would do at a pinch. I would really like the riders if poss.

Anyone cracked this problem yet?
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

I just did exactly this on my last order, I ordered Bavarian horse artillery crew, with the correct cannons.
1860's Bavarian BA10 Krupp C64 4pdr RBL, horse artillery crew with guns from BA 12, which Mollinary advised on...
See,2644.90.html about four posts up from the bottom for his sage advice.
I'm just finishing my 2nd brigade tonight and basing over the weekend, should have photos by the weekend too, then it's a mass of artillery, including the unit in question to finish this army!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
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Thanks, Lemmy. I had a feeling this had been discussed before, but I'd forgotten. Senility strikes again!  :'(
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



The problem, as I recall, is the Pendraken Bavarian artillery limber riders are all wearing the Raupenhelm, I don't think they do those in caps.  So the Bavarian gunners and limber riders are great for the Saxon horse artillery, who wore the Raupenhelm, but not for the foot artillery, who didn't. At present I think the Austrian ones without the riders are your only option.  Sorry!

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Ah, it all comes flooding back, now. I think you're right, Mollinary. OK, cheers, chaps.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.