AWI Figures: Americans

Started by Bernie, 28 April 2010, 09:47:52 PM

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Attached photos of AWI Americans as seen at Salute

3 sets: Militia, Continentals & Rifles & Legionary unit

Scale is 1 base = 25 infantry, 12 cavalry or 1 gun

Flags used for morale: more flags the poorer the unit. The flag bases never removed when losses mount
Officers used for combat effectiveness: more officers the greater the CE. These are removed as losses mount


Arent they scruffy?- those Rebels!! How can one gleam glory on a battlefield dressed in anything other than a redcoat??

God save the Queen
God Save the Queen
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Shouldn't that be God Save the King??!

Nice again, Bernie: like the ideas for showing effectiveness etc too.


Cor blimey MR - yes of course

God save the King !!!!

God save the Queen!!??

errrmmmm ??? ???
God Save the Queen
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!