May Releases!

Started by Leon, 30 April 2012, 11:16:14 PM

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Well Luddite
The point was that anyone who dare be critical of a pendraken release on this forum is bound to have the wrath of the faithful come down upon them. Obviously you failed to take in this when reading my initial posting.

By the the way, 10mm is still not a scale. Why not buy yourself a micrometer and measure some 10mm models against actual measurements. It would save all your righteous definitions but 10mm is still not a scale if it were then it could be measured accurately.



Quote from: Martyn on 12 May 2012, 06:53:55 PM
Well Luddite
The point was that anyone who dare be critical of a pendraken release on this forum is bound to have the wrath of the faithful come down upon them. Obviously you failed to take in this when reading my initial posting.

Good grief.   =)

OK, look...since you just don't seem to get it, i'll be blunt and say you're wrong.  There's lots of criticism on here.  ITs just constructive.

Criticism of Roman shield sizes,4443.0.html  Constructive criticism.

Criticism of Falklands chaps postures,4378.0.html  Constructive criticism.

Criticism of Roman posture,2505.15.html  Constructive criticism.  I'll also point you to reply 24 - my criticism.

There are many, many more examples, endless moaning about the lack of website photos, moaning on about Tarletons and more tanks.  
Criticism abounds here...but its almost all constructive.

Why?  Because Pendraken give excellent service, produce great toys, and customers like me want them to get things right.  Mostly they do.  

Griping on like you did is rude, unpleasant, simply creates antagonism and achieves nothing positive.

Had you phrased your criticism constructively, this thread would not have derailed as it has...

QuoteBy the the way, 10mm is still not a scale. Why not buy yourself a micrometer and measure some 10mm models against actual measurements. It would save all your righteous definitions but 10mm is still not a scale if it were then it could be measured accurately.


It clearly is.

Not my 'righteous definition' (i really don't know what you're on about here), but a simply dictionary definition.  10mm is a criterion of size among other sizes, therefore clearly a scale.  I'm sorry that you don't see it, but, well, 'there are some folks that if they don't know, nobody can tell them'...

You may have the final word, should you wish to continue with this negative discourse, since i'm done with you.

Apologies to Pendraken and the other forumites for indulging this unpleasantness.   :( :-[

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


Is there a GHQ forum you could be trolling instead of this one??
Have you seen the rivets on that?


Quote from: Martyn on 11 May 2012, 08:12:51 PM
Thank you Leon for your reply and you are right all businesses are the same my apologies.

I'm not sure where I said all businesses are the same?

Without dragging this all out further than it needs to, we take all feedback on board and make changes where necessary.  If concerns had been raised when the original pictures of the model were shown, then we could have easily sent it away to be tweaked a bit.  To do that now means over £100 worth of sculptor / moulding costs, which as a business owner yourself will understand isn't viable for a single complaint, especially when from the theme of your messages so far, you'd be unlikely to buy it anyway. 

It's impossible to please 100% of people, but if we can hit 99%, then we're doing well.  We've sold dozens of these so far, and no-one's complained about any of them.

All that being said, Dave's still considering spending the money and changing the vehicle, because we still want to try and hit that 100% satisfaction. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


I dont know why there is such a fuss about 10mm being a scale or not, whenever I hear the word scale I think of model trains and watching something go round and round. When I hear XXmm I think of miniatures for wargaming, but Hey what do I know, I'm just a Yank from across the pond, er, no not correct, not a Yank, I'm from Texas and just a bull riding cowboy that use to raise hogs and chew tobacco and break noses of the oafs that said discouraging words directed towards my misses or mum, AND I play with toy soldiers   :D   :d

I really like using Pendraken even tho they dont have everything I would like to play with but they sure are making lots of stuff I wanna play with and they listen to pros and cons about their minis and ranges. Can't ask for more than that. They do a great job, and I guess I am a Fan Boy but I dont like everything Pendraken makes, ie, the Amazons. I know lots of people like them, I just dont, I dont complaint about them or be negative about them, so I dont buy them, nuff said.

Sorry Martyn that you have gotten a load of forum members sticking up for Pendraken, it is simple, we like what they are making for our gaming needs and when issues are raised about a figure, they do try to correct it if possible. But slamming them because X is wrong with Y and kinda sticking a tuber up their bum about it kinda ruffled our knickers. And you called it, you thought you would get some crass feedback about your post and I guess you did  :D

I hope that this thread does not crimp your desire to purchase more Pendraken minis because there are lots of their minis that are excellent and really dress up a gaming table.

If you would like to discuss this further with me, please PM me and we can take this off forum so more constructive discussions can get along here  ;)

cya  :)

Aart Brouwer

Quote from: Blaker on 13 May 2012, 01:26:31 AM[...] it is simple, we like what they are making for our gaming needs and when issues are raised about a figure, they do try to correct it if possible.

There you go. Eight hundred and sixty four satistied forum members can't all be wrong. And even if they were, at least they wouldn't be so rude about it.

Sadly no longer with us - RIP (1958-2013)

"No, I do not have Orcs, Riders of Rohan, Dark Elves, Skaven, Kroot Mercenaries Battle Tech, HeroClix, Gangs of Mega-City One or many-horned f****** genetic-mechanoid arse-faced pigmen from the Purple Pustule of Tharg T bloody M." (Harry Pearson, Achtung Schweinehund!)


Like others I do not wish to prolong this discussion.

I just thought given Martyn's view on GHQ an scales I thought one or two people might be interested on the GHQ Panhard P178, the original subject of the post.

I have attached a copy of the image from their website.

Is it just me or, on scaling up the vehicle to actual size, would the rivets as modelled look like inverted frying pans??  :-\

So much for acceptable 'scale' methinks.

Chad (aka a wrathful faithful)  ;)


Quote from: Leon on 13 May 2012, 12:07:38 AM

All that being said, Dave's still considering spending the money and changing the vehicle, because we still want to try and hit that 100% satisfaction.

If I may, I am not sure that that would be the best thing to do. Obviously, it is worthy of praise that you seek to make everybody happy. But resources are limited and if you invest some of them into this, they will not be available for you to make other great figures. By trying to make one person happy you may therefore make many others unhappy.


Quote from: Martyn on 12 May 2012, 06:53:55 PM

The point was that anyone who dare be critical of a pendraken release on this forum is bound to have the wrath of the faithful come down upon them.


I think that was never the point.  What most people have objected to is the tone of your post, not  the content of your criticism.  I do not know whether it was intentional, but the posts come across as aggressive, arrogant and rude.  This is one of the few forums where such behaviour is unusual, and I hope that remains.  I think if your criticism was expressed in a more constructive manner, it would not have prompted such a response from other members. But perhaps that was your intention?  If so, congratulations, job done!

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


Leon, about time this thread was locked perhaps?


My apologies to everyone for the tone of my initial e-mail.





That is a handsome gesture, and I think, at least from my personal point of view, draws a neat line under this thread.

Best Regards,

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!

Ben Waterhouse

Indeed, it takes a Big Man (Copyright Lardies) to apologise.
My respects Martyn



Agreed Ben.

Let's put in behind us.



Spoken like a gentleman Martyn.

=D> :)

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN