Dungeon World Questions

Started by Blaker, 18 September 2011, 09:24:20 PM

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doh! Six, now you are throwing the phrase "Quick Magic" at me  :o

:D  I see what you mean now, but for someone just new to dungeon crawl (read as new kids I am introducing dungeon crawling to) they would scratch their head with phrases mentioned in a rules set that have no other references to - remember, some of these kiddos have had their imaginations drained from playing endless hours of video games   :P

And I know some that will take me to task about rules, sooo as DM I would have to cripple their hero or teleport him to another part of the dungeon and he would have to find his way back   :d

I like the vendor ideas, maybe that Checking ability/skill would come in handy if they found a hidden door that opened into a separate chamber inwhich there stood a vendor with all of his wares, ie, weapon racks, tomes on pedestal, crates, potions, wizard's table, etc and the heroes could purchase items or magic or if they gained experience trade exp points for something. hmmm. . .  maybe the chamber and magic door go away after the heroes leave only to be found somewhere else in the dungeon or not at all   :d

This just gets better and better   :D


If anyone has any Dungeon World rules related questions they`d like to ask me, I`m always here to answer them.

Six  :)


Howdy Six,

Earlier in the above posts you mentioned DW 3rd Edition, are you working on a 3rd Ed already  ???


Already written long ago Blaker...   Leon is thinking how best to employ it (book form or PDF).


 :D   :D   :D  Lets get a cracking on it then  8)