First batch of Pendraken

Started by Avalon, 18 April 2012, 01:39:00 PM

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I've just received my first order of Pendraken, I Ordered 1 item of BKC9, BKC19 and Marines.

I was suprised to see a number of replacement parts for turrets, which compensated almost compensated for those that got damaged in transit, and hoping to replace these at Salute this weekend. Overall I'm pretty happy with the quality of the casting, especially with general finish (general lack of Flash and mould seam on most of the figures).  A quick once over with a file and modling knife and most of it has gone, some castings were better than others, and this may be down to the number of runs completed on a particular mould.

On the packaging, especially for fine cast parts (turrets, etc) I'd be more than happy to pay extra to have them packaged using something like this, but its not a major problem and would probably add to the costs.

All in all very a happy customer, and will be looking to buy more during the next few months, once I've located a suitable storage medium.



Good to hear that the package arrived safely and that you like the figures!   :-bd

On the packaging, we were talking about this yesterday coincidentally!  We use the clamshell blisters for all of the show stock on the racking, but for everyday mail orders, it just wouldn't be feasible.  Firstly the costs would be quite considerable, plus we wouldn't be able to fit as many in a Jiffy bag as normal, so the postage would increase as well.  And when you're sending out hundreds of packs a week, it's a lot of extra time packaging them, compared to popping them in a gripseal bag.  

That being said, I would like to have more 'professional' packaging, so we might look at printed labels instead of handwritten, or something along those lines.  Something for the future.

8) - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


I remember when I got my first 10mm figures - I was equally surprised to find all the models just in small plastic bags. But having bought lots (and lots) of 10mm over the years from several manufacturers all the figures have come in plastic bags, in a jiffy bag, and I don't think I have had any figures damaged in transit. I have had the odd miss-cast figure, but none that look like they have been damaged in the postal system. It does seem that the figures all pack together and this stops damage.
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Its not a major problem, just a thought, I appreciate that costs would go up, especially as the clam packs would increase the volume and weight, ultimately it wasnt a major issue as there were a number of spare turrets, and turrets of 2 from 12 tanks not being useable isnt a problem as I'm sure the next batch I order will have a few spares as well.

Out of curiosity, are you planning on taking any 'spare' parts to Salute? or will it be complete sets only?


Quote from: Avalon on 18 April 2012, 08:39:41 PM
Out of curiosity, are you planning on taking any 'spare' parts to Salute? or will it be complete sets only?

We won't have any odds and ends at the show, we take the army packs, and various bulk packs of the 20th C. vehicles, along with a selection of flags, decals, resin, etc. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


I actually rather like hand-written labels; a reminder that this is a hobby, not a huge faceless business.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: Leon on 19 April 2012, 12:08:34 AM
We won't have any odds and ends at the show, we take the army packs, and various bulk packs of the 20th C. vehicles, along with a selection of flags, decals, resin, etc.

Thanks Leon for the update Leon. See you at the show.


Quote from: Leon on 18 April 2012, 02:21:09 PM
Good to hear that the package arrived safely and that you like the figures!   :-bd
On the packaging, we were talking about this yesterday coincidentally!  We use the clamshell blisters for all of the show stock on the racking, but for everyday mail orders, it just wouldn't be feasible.  Firstly the costs would be quite considerable, plus we wouldn't be able to fit as many in a Jiffy bag as normal, so the postage would increase as well.  And when you're sending out hundreds of packs a week, it's a lot of extra time packaging them, compared to popping them in a gripseal bag.  
That being said, I would like to have more 'professional' packaging, so we might look at printed labels instead of handwritten, or something along those lines.  Something for the future.

Thinking back.....To the old Citadel range (before GW 'joined' with them.)
For the most part they were all in little plastic bags....Printed, fold over lables, that were simply stapled together, even when you bought them from the racks in the local model shop....Mail order stuff didn't come in blisters either. ;)
Hands up, those old enough to remember the old 'Fantasy Adventurer'  and  'Fiend Folio' ranges....What were they ?......14p for a 25mm figure ?......Happy days ! ;D
Cheers - Phil.


Quote from: Techno on 19 April 2012, 07:31:58 AM
Thinking back.....To the old Citadel range (before GW 'joined' with them.)
For the most part they were all in little plastic bags....Printed, fold over lables, that were simply stapled together, even when you bought them from the racks in the local model shop....Mail order stuff didn't come in blisters either. ;)
Hands up, those old enough to remember the old 'Fantasy Adventurer'  and  'Fiend Folio' ranges....What were they ?......14p for a 25mm figure ?......Happy days ! ;D
Cheers - Phil.

I remember them just, circa 1983/4, though Ral Patha had started to move towards the more rigid blister pack for thier figures, and i think they were about 25-40p, I also remember saving the loose change from my lunch money on a daily basis in order to add it to my pocket money to buy a few packs. 

Very happy days indeed, sitting around a table with friends after school for a 3 hour D&D, Traveller or Indiana Jones, or Middle Earth, session a couple of times a week.


QuoteFor the most part they were all in little plastic bags....Printed, fold over lables, that were simply stapled together, even when you bought them from the racks in the local model shop....Mail order stuff didn't come in blisters either.

Printed fold over lables?  That was luxury. The first figures I ever bought c 1975/6  (Minifigs Naps) were chosen from boxes under the glass counter (bit like the old sweet shops). You pointed and the nice man counted out however many you wanted, well, could afford actually. 9p a fig I think, but of course back then 9p was worth more than it is now  etc etc (:|

Steve J

We have a lovely little model figures shop in Cambridge that had most figures on display, the rest in a catalogue you could browse on the counter. To see a figure you wanted, they simply opened up the relevant little box  to reveal the wonders contained therein :). Just thinking about it brings back many happy memories...


The first figures I ever received from Minifigs came in a small cardboard box embedded in sawdust. Seven pence a foot figure (about 1972) just after decimalisation. I hate to think what the postage would be at today's prices.  :o
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Ben Waterhouse

Quote from: Hertsblue on 20 April 2012, 10:04:47 AM
The first figures I ever received from Minifigs came in a small cardboard box embedded in sawdust. Seven pence a foot figure (about 1972) just after decimalisation. I hate to think what the postage would be at today's prices.  :o

Crikey I remember those, and I do have fond memories of those little pasteboard boxes from Hinchliffe with figures delicately wrapped in purple tissue paper...


Yep, also remember the old Minifig boxes.

The first figs I received from Peter Laing, the grandaddy of 15mm, were just in a largish Manila envelope with the A4 photocopied catalogue as padding :o


Hey!  I still have some of those Mini Fig black and white cardboard boxed figures. Still haven't painted those 15mm yet  :(

Yes, my pile of lead is very old, kinda like Smaug's pile  :D

And I found my issue of White Dwarf, issue number 3 in the barn  :o