KD's Winter Germans and Russians

Started by Kiwidave, 17 April 2012, 10:25:24 PM

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11 July 2012, 09:30:40 PM #30 Last Edit: 11 July 2012, 09:33:22 PM by Kiwidave
I'll have to try that approach Nik :)

After a bit of a hiatus due to watching football, other distractions and a bad bout of can't-be-arsed, here is some progress:

Do to: paint the webbing, packs, water bottles etc (and maybe boots); paint radios, flame throwers and mine detectors; paint the CO's table and other bric-a-brac; 'whitewash' the artillery;  ink the whole lot and base them.

Distractions were these:

They need the bases doing (either just heavy white dry-brush, or Nik's paste method)

I might have been better off just buying trees that were already flocked, as this lot took ages and two coats of flock and two coats of spray matt varnish. I'm not entirely happy with them as there are as white as I'd hoped - the Gale Force 9 snow gets translucent when sprayed with varnish, which makes the underlying colour show though a bit - so I might dry-brush with  some household white satin.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Wrong time of year (another week or so needed  :'() but you could try Chistmas Deorations Spray Snow. may need a cople of coats, but it won't come off........

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Not a bad idea Ian. I'll have a look in the local Pound Shop :)