Midieval Men-at-Arms Questions

Started by marylandmarine0311, 19 December 2012, 07:21:43 PM

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First time poster, fairly short time forum stalker here with a question. I just got into 10mm and love Pendraken, they're top notch figures! I am looking to go into the 100yrs War figures and wanted to get some English and French armies built. I have looked but haven't found any men-at-arms on foot in the listings. Does Pendraken make these? I found a mounted version but was hoping to find some on foot as well. Can anyone help me out on this, maybe point me to a line or series of troops I've missed? Thanks, in advance, and keep up the great work!!



Depends which part of the 100 Years War you are playing. For the post Agincourt era ELM3 are ideal.


Ok I was aiming for around the agincourt timeframe and leaning towards the ELM3 pack. Wasn't sure if they were all plate armor or not. Are the Late100yr war army packs supposed to be around agincourt timeframe?


Looking at my painted stuff there are 3 poses in ELM3. Two are in visored sallets, which are really 1450s onwards and too late for Agincourt, the other is in a nice Italian style visored armet with a poleaxe. In 10mm the armet would look fine for an circa 1415 visored bascinet. If you were fussed about the sallets, I'm sure Leon would put a pack together for you with just the polearmed figure. ;)


Ah, very good to know. Thanks for the information Sunjester, this period is not my strongest when it comes to uniforms and details. Truly fascinating period and I love Pendraken's AWI line.