France 1940

Started by Derek H, 10 March 2012, 02:08:14 PM

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Derek H

26 April 2012, 01:01:49 PM #15 Last Edit: 26 April 2012, 01:08:38 PM by Derek H

That's a company for IABSM, details at

Except for the Kfz 15s that is.  

And these are the supports.  More coming at Carronade in two weeks time.

Also coming at Carronade, loads of British.  


Coming along very nicely Derek  8)


Let us know how "I ain't been shot" plays out with your new armies.  I just got a copy of the rules and I think it looks great.  But then, I like the variability of command and control.  Although I don't have any armies yet.  I need to fix that problem.


Ive fallen in love with  I Aint Been Shot Mum, and its beginning to push Blitzkrieg Commander off my top slot in the WW2 stakes. Arguably its a different scale of game and thats how I reconcile my treachery to BKC! Im in the process of taking stock of all my BKC 10mm armies and converting them over to IABSM. Well I say converting them over, thats not strictly true as they are usable for both games quite easily. What it does mean is that due to a stand of troops being a platoon in BKC and a section in IABSM, I will be having to order a lot of infantry packs from you guys Leon!

Steve J

"Ive fallen in love with  I Aint Been Shot Mum, and its beginning to push Blitzkrieg Commander off my top slot in the WW2 stakes. "

Burn the heretic :d.


OK its my favourite WW2 system that does company level engagements.

Anything above that BKC is king obviously!


Quote from: Serotonin on 27 April 2012, 08:42:27 AM
What it does mean is that due to a stand of troops being a platoon in BKC and a section in IABSM, I will be having to order a lot of infantry packs from you guys Leon!

That sounds good...  :D - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


QuoteIve fallen in love with  I Aint Been Shot Mum

I have a number of Too Fat Lardie rules and I Aint been Shot appears to be head and shoulders over the others and the others are good.  I just need to determine what timeframe and theater to build.  And that is harder than it sounds when I have to decide between Spanish Civil War, early war Japanese vs early war Brits or Americans, early war French vs early war Germans or 44-45 Germans vs Brits or Americans.  Making it even toughter, I also really need more medieval, renaissance and Napoleonic figures.  Decisions, decisions....


You seen CHarlie Dont Surf. Its pretty much identical to IABSM3 (I think they based the revisions to IABSM on CDS). Cant wait to try it out.


No, I haven't seen Charlie don't surf but maybe in the future.  I wonder if they named it after the Apolcolypse Now scene where the cav commander air assaults a village so he can go surfing.


Ben Waterhouse

Derek H

I’ve now finished I/25th Panzer Abteilung (1st Battalion, 25th Panzer Regiment ) for Battlegroup Panzergrenadier

More pics at


Quote from: Jerrylee on 18 March 2012, 10:11:26 PM
What's I ain't been shot mum like?

A great relief, actually.  :D
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.