A Campaign Is Born

Started by sixsideddice, 16 August 2011, 07:36:51 PM

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07 February 2012, 02:38:36 PM #60 Last Edit: 07 February 2012, 02:41:41 PM by sixsideddice
Hi Guys,

well, I`m finally back   :)

The other day when I popped in my lappy finally gave up the ghost the same day (typical timing) and I have been without a computer this last week; but I am now back in business with a brand spanking new 4 gig piece of loveliness, and now I`m happy as a dog with two tails.... amazing how lost we get when denied our computer access and the internet; like a kid having his X-Boy or PS3 taken away hehe.  :o

Okay, I`ve been away from here for quite some time now. It was never my intension to stay away this long but a series of events meant it became increasingly hard to concentrate or get stuff done here.

Basically, my partner of many years and myself split up rather messily back along and the knock of effects of that led to so many changes, I simply couldn`t find time, motivation, or the incentive to think about gaming for a while. Unfortunately, another consequence of all this is that the main bulk of my Website (which I intended ages ago for everyone to see and enjoy) has now come to a crashing stop, as a vast majority of the on-going material (a good few hundred pages or so) has now become somewhat academic and has reached a dead end; as I have lost the momentum of the group on-going game(s) we had been using to bring the whole thing alive is the form of a sort of `living` campaign world journal.

As a result, even with my tenacity...  I finally have had to realize that this website will have to undergo a radical face lift from the foundations upwards before it can be ready to open publically... sorry guys, I really have tried.  :(

In addition, I am now in the process of moving house (over the borders of County Kerry and into beautiful sunny West Cork). Unfortunately, internet connection in Bantry Bay isn`t nearly as good here as it was in Kenmare and I haven`t yet figured out how I`m going to resolve this... right now I can`t play my beloved “World of Warcraft” “Dungeons and Dragons Online” or “LOTRO” Uuuugh it`s agonizingly frustrating!!! Maybe it’s finally time I stopped online MMO gaming and concentrated more on wargames and table top rpg in any case?  :-\

Soooo, finally I am back with a vengeance to my Pendraken 10mm yumminess; and am looking forward to catching up on all the things I`ve missed over the last couple of months, which means reading the forum threads with a hungry eye to see what I`ve missed.

Cheers guys, it feels great to be back  8)



Howdy Six,

Great to see you back!   =D>   =D>

Sorry for the breakup  :(

And besides, you need to lose those MMO and use the saved money on Pendraken goodies  :D

Check out Maxwell's Cave dungeon he made it is very cool  m/

Looking forward to your "dungeon world adventures" broadcasting from Sunny West Cook and Bantry Bay  :D



Give....... up....... World...... of....... Warcraft...........  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

you cant do that............... ever!

What's your Realm, Faction and Character name???

I'll come and either persuade you to stay,


take all your gold and stuff.  :D :D :D :D



Great to "hear" something from you again  :-h


Don't regret of not being able to play those MMO-games.
The more time passes, the more you later wonder how you could spend so much time on these  ;)

2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


Yep - more time with figures you can touch six  :)


Ooo  hands on gaming... yeeeeey!! Nik  :)

.... besides, giving orders to 25 man teams in WoW raids was geting a bit - samey  :D

GordonY: I was playing in Steamwheedle Cartell rpg - Alliance, and Horde on... can`t remember the server name, its been that long. If I do get back to it, I`ll give you a guild invite... maybe a few level boosts ;-)

Six  :)


Good to hear from you Six.

Sorry to hear about your break up - it knocks the stuffing out of you doesn't it?  :(

Good luck with the move and I hope you get back on track soon.




Ok Six, new Night Elf hunter in your town, look him up, goes by the name of Gordonhunter, yeah I know, no imagination.  :(


QuoteSorry to hear about your break up - it knocks the stuffing out of you doesn't it?

Yep, it sure does... but like all things - it gets better in time and eventually fades away entirely.

QuoteOk Six, new Night Elf hunter in your town, look him up, goes by the name of Gordonhunter, yeah I know, no imagination. 

hehe if I DO get back to WoW, I`ll certainly look you up, could be fun. But in all honesty, even though I LOVED WoW for years, I really hated the changes Cataclysm bought into the story, and I hated the land changes.... and I hate paying nearly 30 Euro every two months, when other equally good MMO games (Everquest, Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons, Perfect World, etc) are out there for FREE.

I do miss it though  :)

Six  :D


17 February 2012, 12:36:21 PM #69 Last Edit: 17 February 2012, 12:38:28 PM by sixsideddice
But anyway, back on track.... I`ve decided to restructure the campaign to make it an entirely solitary affair. Its about time I did another of these solo games actually, but this time in 10mm.

I AM about to start a new rpg campaign with most the lads and lasses from the old game, but even though the table is huge... it can get a bit crowded when all are assembled round it trying to lean in and “Ooo” and “Aaa” the 10mm loveliness. So I tend to switch Dungeon World to 28mm for these `live` sessions; then transpose the action back to 10mm when I recreate the photos and campaign diary/journal.

I also find 10mm is really useful for pre-viewing cameo encounters for forthcoming sessions. It means I can plan out encounters to check the balance and enjoyability before I spring new things on the players at the week end games.

I WILL work on the website, and though will now take a while to re-create.... and I wont make any sweeping statements about when it will be ready, I shall grind away at it until it once again takes shape.

Six :)


Sounds good Six, glad you've still got the RPG crew at the ready :D

I'll look forward to hearing how you progress with the solo campaign, my biggest plan for this year is to get my 10mm Albion campaign kick started - and it's all your fault ;D

