WW2 Masters pics!

Started by Leon, 21 April 2010, 08:25:05 PM

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Quote from: NTM on 25 May 2011, 07:34:41 AM
Are there going to be any other prone or atleast kneeling figures in the early German range as I've said before it looks a bit daft with one prone figure on a base with a bunch of others running around.
Would you want to fire an anti tank rifle stood up  :D  maybe he is providing covering fire
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!



Stop. You're killing me with all this loveliness  :d


Nothing wrong with the pose (I've recently changed my mind about prone figures which I detested but have started a unit of prone and kneeling WWII Brits [15mm] which look pretty good) I'm just asking for either an advancing version which would fit in with the existing figures in the range or kneeling/prone rifleman to go with this one.


There is a kneeling riflemen in the early german set. cant remeber code....  ;)
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!


You're right GR218 forgot to click on the pic to expand that one  :-[


Sorry wasn't having a dig NTM I was exactly the same with prone figures, the other one is immovable terrain modelled onto the base eg walls, or other structures. The one thing that would have stopped me buying the updated space hulk was the genestealer hanging off the pillar :( sad I know)
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Quote from: Maenoferren on 27 May 2011, 10:51:34 AM
the other one is immovable terrain modelled onto the base eg walls, or other structures.

Don't start me on that one, why are there so many PIAT and Bren gunners resting the weapon on a rock/box?   :-\

Atleast Pendraken have not produced my all time most hated pose the MG34/42 gunner firing with the No 2 resting the barrel on his shoulder!  >:(

No offence taken btw.  :)


Quote from: NTM on 27 May 2011, 11:52:25 AM

Atleast Pendraken have not produced my all time most hated pose the MG34/42 gunner firing with the No 2 resting the barrel on his shoulder!  >:(

That did actually happen. I have photographs to prove it.  :D
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Quote from: Hertsblue on 30 June 2011, 05:18:36 PM
That did actually happen. I have photographs to prove it.  :D

I have never disputed that it happened I've seen photos of it too (some even look like they weren't staged) but in the eyes of figure designers (particularly 15 & 20mm) it seems every other German LMG team wandered around joined at the hip!

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

But I have lots of MG teams, in all scales form 20mm down, and the only one I have with a guy holding the gun on his sholder is one I concerted using figures from matchbox kits.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021



Of the top of my head the following do them Platoon 20 (where I first encountered it), Essex, Peter Pig, Battlefront (worst offender) & Command Decision.
Not aware of any below 15mm and fairly sure there are quite a few in 25/28mm.