World War 1 Project

Started by Si Tyler, 27 February 2012, 09:45:04 PM

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Si Tyler

WW1 is a completely new venture for me.  My original interest is Eastern Front 1914 but that changed reasonably quickly.  Two starter armies bolstered by an additional pack of Infantry gave me approx 14 Battalions of Infantry to get through which have all been done.  (aim to get photos up this week).  Germans have had additional artillery added and that is it so far.  The rest will need to follow on while enthusiasm is at the current peak.  Current wish list or rather new additions to what is already in progress (remember I tend to work on the 90% complete idea most of the time).  Stuff ordered means Pendraken have the order and I am waiting.  NYO means I need to be paid before more metal can be purchased.  NIL means I have dropped the idea/model

The end state of this phase is to have one Infantry Division organised along the lines of Great War Spearhead while having enough additional units to cover Square Bashing which is undergoing playtest.

I have two World War 1 books (Osprey German Army 1914 - 1918 and WW1 Source Book) on which to base the painting so the web and questions will be posed and it will be obvious where I am grasping for ideas........

More to follow (as with all projects)


Good stuff Si - nice to see your thinking / planning here - and really looking forward to seeing this lot painted & on-table  :D


Nice idea, Si. The Great War is a distinctly under-gamed era, full of potential. It wasn't all hopeless mass attacks across lunar landscapes. The early eastern and western fronts were mobile - as was the middle east.  :-bd

When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Steve J

Looks good Si and will follow this with interest.

Si Tyler

Not a great deal to show for today.

Some very simple trenches in straight lengths.  Curves and other ideas to follow.  The Wire is in the airing cupboard drying so will get those photo's tomorrow together with the German starter army


Steve J

The images don't come up for me Si. It looks like it has been left on some sort of edit mode?


Try this link Steve:

Si Tyler

29 February 2012, 02:00:37 PM #7 Last Edit: 29 February 2012, 02:07:13 PM by Si Tyler
First German Regiment has been finished (90%), it is missing a MG08 Platoon  

Second and the small part of the Third Regiments are based waiting for the base to be sealed which will be done this afternoon as long as work doesn't get in the way of the hobby.

I have just finished making the markers (both GWSH and SB have the concept of area terrain) for the shelled woods which will be up

sometime tonight.  

Steve J


Nice Si - this is coming together nicely  8)


The infantry look really good, Si. The barbed wire looks pretty formidable.  :o
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Si Tyler

Thanks for the comments

This the progress at the end of today (yes 1400hrs.  Real life needs me the rest of today) with photos.
Div HQ and Cavalry are both done
Div Arty Regiment is done as far as I can until more metal arrives (4 Guns needed)
Infantry missing 4 battalions (8 Painted and based out of 12)
MG08s need another 10 bases
Regimental HQ and odd things like engineers still needed (6 bases)

Time to move onto the Russians and terrain before more metal arrives

Steve J

They look really good all laid out together Si. What rules will you be using as my poor tired brain can't figure out GWSH etc?


Si Tyler

01 March 2012, 08:19:03 PM #14 Last Edit: 01 March 2012, 08:21:13 PM by Si Tyler
Thanks Nik,

As to rules, my forces are based for two sets: Great War Spearhead (I play the modern version which helps ;)) and the new version of Square Bashing from Peter Pig. Both of which use "effectively" the same base sizes with my own interpretations but as I am providing both sides for the games it isn't a problem.  SB has more markers and is more a "game";  GWSH needs a lot of thought and planning.   The new version of SB is undergoing playtesting and aims to cover 1900 - 1930 and not just the Great War I have had a couple of games during play testing and it is fun.
