Engineers and Pioneers

Started by Si Tyler, 01 March 2012, 10:31:58 PM

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Si Tyler

I am looking for some "generic" engineer/pioneer troops to use late C19th early C20th.  Shovels, Picks etc 
any ideas (including headswops and proxies)


Le Manchou

There is what you need I think, it's in the 19th Century section, in Accessories, the generic working party.
Si vis pacem, para bellum

Si Tyler

Good call  :),
I think they could form the core of the units.  I need some "military" types to round them out.  Anyone have photos of SV44 ?


02 March 2012, 08:19:38 AM #3 Last Edit: 02 March 2012, 09:46:48 AM by Kiwidave
Have a look here Si:

At the bottom of the page. One of the dogs is on an HQ stand further up the page, with his bomb carved off.

You get flamethrowers, a chap in body armour throwing a grenade, 2 dogs, and maybe one other type (I can't remember off hand, and my pics aren't clear enough). There aren't any with shovels, wirecutters or minesweepers.

Si Tyler

Thanks Dave,
I had a good butchers at your site first.  I have ordered the generic work party as a basis and will see what else I can proxy out
